Friday, November 13, 2009

Big ol' rock show tonight!

Big ol' rock show tonight!

In a different time, I was primarily known as a dude who booked venues in Chicago. I put together a LOT of shows, worked with a LOT of awesome people, and had a LOT of fun. As time passed, and the field grew more crowded I sort of let that part of my life mostly fall away. Once it became a JOB job, I lost the pleasure I took in doing it, and decided that I would only book shows that felt right to me.

Fast forward a few years and a few of my contemporaries are still thriving, while a fresh batch of new promoters who I see as dedicated to the music for all the right reasons have sprung up in town. Because of this, there is rarely a night in Chicago where there is at least one, if not more, awesome show to see.

Tonight I return to the promoter's chair for an evening, and in my opinion the awesome show you should attend is the one I'm putting on at Subterranean tonight. The bill is filled with old, and incredibly talented, friends, playing a wide enough variety of music that I don't think a single person will leave disappointed.

Do you dig Britpop flavored stadium anthems? The Assembly kicks the nigh off with some of those. Are you more a soul and R&B type? The Midnight Shows is celebrating the release of their debut EP. Do you want to dance to some glam-pop that combines the cars with the more vicious sides of Cheap Trick and David Bowie? The Ladies & Gentlemen will look good and deliver the goods.

All three bands are filled with guys who have been on the scene for years, in and out of label deals, and who know how to deliver the goods because they truly believe in what they do.

Tonight, my friends, is gonna be a whole lot of fun. I hope you can join in!

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