Tuesday, March 09, 2010

TankBird Tuesday is upon us!

TankBird Tuesday is upon us!

Tonight is the latest installment of the monthly TankBird night at The Burlington, and evening started by me and the lovely Superbird to feature good times and great music. This evening we welcome special guest DJ Pocket Taco a.k.a. Mssr. Rainbo Brite a.k.a. Chicagoist E-in-C Marcus Gilmer. In addition there is a 98.7% chance I will be breaking out Bachman-Turner Overdrive's "Hey You" at some point of the evening to spur both maximum fist pumping and intense air cowbell-ing.

This Tuesday will be a bit of a departure for our residency since there is no geological or meteorological unpleasantness in the forecast. Considering every single time we DJ it's either storming, or we're in the midst of a deep freeze, of a snowstorm has the city blanket in a white haze, or -- and really, really? -- there's an earthquake in Elgin (?!), we relish the thought of reasonably moderate climes ensuring maximum attendance at this evening's event.

Not that a little sour weather ever kept the party people away in the past, but now yuou have zero excuse to rain-check on our jams, correct? See you there?


  1. You couldn't have found a more perfect picture of the three of us.

  2. I was hoping you'd notice how I got you in the picture too since I didn't have a shot of the three of us physically together ... sneaky sneaky!
