Monday, May 03, 2010

(Mostly) unplugged.

(Mostly) unplugged.

So, yeah. We finally hired a new copywriter at my 9-to-5 so I actually took the day off Friday. Why? Because I finally could! And what did I do with that day? Well, actually I was pretty productive, ran a whole truckload of errands and ended up actually doing stuff instead of just laying around consuming DVDs on the couch (as I had originally planned). I saved the laziness for Saturday. And since we stayed in Saturday night, GalPal and I got an early start Sunday and were SO motivated I out together our brand new grill and had a few good friends over for an impromptu cookout! So, s unlike me. GalPal is a god influence.

The flip-side of all of this was that I was mostly offline for the last three days. I sent out a few tweets on my phone and checked my email once or twice, but for the most part I was unplugged. It was -- outside the fact that now I'm staring at hundreds of emails and thousands of feeds -- quite a wonderful experience.

1 comment:

  1. I love having a few days away from the constant agony of being plugged in to every little thing all the freaking time! I miss the days of being able to somewhat disappear... now it takes real effort!
