Monday, August 02, 2010

In which our hero admits that, perhaps, he might actually be human.

In which our hero admits that, perhaps, he might actually be human.

Yesterday was one of those daze where my antics probably entertained a good number of my friends, annoyed a few others, and caused GalPal to want to shove me in a garbage can and walk as far away as her legs could carry her. Much of this can be attributed to my thinking it was a good idea to a) start drinking at 8 a.m. and b) actually drink multiple shots of whiskey at Mars Cheese Castle (who knew they even had a bar in there?!) and then continue drinking at Wicker Park Fest whilst waiting to watch fun. So if you ran into my yesterday and I amused you, did not try and steal your drink or hand you an empty cup to hold for me, congratulations, you were one of the lucky ones!

Everyone else? I again thank you for putting up with me acting a fool.


  1. wait. i thought mars cheese castle was closed? I've driven by 2 weekends in a row and the exit is closed. I thought someone else said they are closed too..
