Thursday, August 05, 2010

So there’s this thing happening this weekend…

So there’s this thing happening this weekend…

Lollapalooza is upon us. Already. GalPal and I went to a small media mixer thrown by the organizers to grab our press passes early so we wouldn’t have to do it Friday morning. We met up with a friend and proceeded to stay out late into the night, jawing about music writing, the state of the industry and just how delicious the drinks at The Whistler are. Tonight I have an invite to some Perez Hilton party and while I’m not a fan of the dude it sounds like there’s gonna be some cool musical guests. Plus, you know, free booze. Beyond that point we have no concrete plans.

This is the first year GalPal and I both have press passes but it’s also the first year I don’t have VIP, so I guess I’ll probably be a bit more sober than usual.* It’ll be nice for both of us to have access to the press area since that means I may get to see her a bit more than I usually do at these types of events. Usually we lose each other because there’s no cell signal, but this year the park is blanketed in WiFi and the Lolla app has a chat option so we’ll always be able to figure out where the other is. Yay!

So yeah, there you have it. Lollapalooza will dominate my life until sometime early Monday morning when I finally fall asleep...

*The only year I didn’t cover the fest was it’s first as a destination festival n Chicago, but my friend won free passes to the Lolla Lounge that year for herself and ten of her friends, one of whom was me.

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