Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Another tip for the new year or "What the hell is wrong with me, am I trying out for my own show on OWN or something, where's the snark?!"

Another tip for the new year or "What the hell is wrong with me, am I trying out for my own show on OWN or something, where's the snark?!"

All this week GalPal has been struggling with getting up early and going to the gym in the morning before work.* And every morning she just hasn't been able to do it. And that's OK. And I mean that for everyone. Some folks just are not built to be up and productive too early in the day. I know for years and years I wasn't. I've never needed much sleep, so that helps, but once upon a time you couldn't drag me out of bed before 7 a.m. Once you get into an early a.m. routine, though, it's easy to keep it up, but I still think the hardest part of even doing that is getting out of the bed and NOT feeling like a zombie (who wants to crawl right back into bed) for the first five minutes. Since we don't all have robots to deliver us coffee the second our alarm goes off (and if you do, may I borrow use of it?) here's a certified Tankboy Tip (trademark pending) for keeping things going once you launch yourself (or roll) out from under your comfy bed.
  1. Do 10-20 push-ups
  2. Do 10-20 sit-ups
  3. Do 10-20 knee bends
  4. Now streeeeeetch to the ceiling
  5. Now streeeeeetch to the floor
  6. You're awake!
I know, I know, it sounds kind of stupid, but I think you'd be surprised at how much that gets the blood going and helps jump-start your day.

*The reason for this is less new year's resolution and more a desire to avoid after-work Resolutionaries at the gym.

1 comment:

  1. I have NEVER been a morning person, I dont know why I would try to change it now.
