Monday, January 03, 2011

Are you ready to do this, people?

Are you ready to do this, people?

Today is the first day most folks, including me, are heading back into work after a short vacation. I feel great. In fact I feel even more rested and ready to get back into the thick of things than I did after going to Jamaica early last month. I feel positive and recharged. It's a good feeling to start off the first Monday of a new year, methinks.

2010 was a pretty good year for me. There were a few speed bumps -- almost all of my own making -- but overall it was a good twelve months. However I feel like things are really starting to come together for me now, on a number of different levels, leaving me with the initial impression that ne and mine are gonna crush it in 2011.

I hope you're getting the same vibe in your own outlook!


  1. Me too! You know, with all my laying around over break, I feel like I caught up on rest from a hectic past three years, so I'm not going to feel bad about being lazy.

  2. Plus it gave us the energy to start the new year in a good place!
