Monday, October 01, 2012

Bye, Barb.

We found out this weekend that GalPal's co-worker (and her unofficial "office mom") Barb passed away this weekend. It was a stunningly unexpected piece of news that hit pretty hard. Barb wasn't old, but she had led a life filled beyond her years with adventure, many of it centered around her long tenure working at The Metro in it's legendary earlier days. She left rock and/or roll living long ago, but it's spirit always lived on in her and she was always fun to be around. I remember when I first met her I was a little nervous since I knew her approval would mean a lot to GalPal, and from what I heard I passed with flying colors.

When something like this happens it really does cause you to step back and take stock. You realize life is shorter than you ever imagined and there's no guarantees  you'll be around tomorrow so treat each day as a rapidly vanishing valuable resource. Don't take the people around you for granted. I know that sometimes I do and I act thoughtlessly at times because of that, but this event has caused me to realize that it's just so stupidly wasteful to behave that way.

As usual, Barb's still making an impact on people around her, even though she's no longer here.

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