Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nerding out.

I have great hope for this flick. It takes one of the best and truly classic story lines from the comic book, combines BOTH generations of movie casts and is directed by the dude who I consider the one to singlehandedly save the comic book film genre. X-Men: First Class was top notch and The Wolverine got things right up until the third act so the franchise is on an upswing so I'm hoping this ends up being a classic. And the groundwork they're laying is pretty awesome.

Monday, July 29, 2013

It's official!

I've accepted a new job and start next week and I could NOT be more excited. One of the interesting things about interviewing after you're a bit more established in your career path is that the folks you talk to are trying to sell their company to you just as much as you're selling yourself and your skills to them. In the end you end up with a great match where everyone is coming out on top, happy, and excited to be working together.

It's been a nice break and I value some of the free time The Summer of Tankboy™ afforded me, but considering how excited I am about my new gig I'm 100% O.K. with my vacation ending and my new journey beginning!

Friday, July 26, 2013

The thing about Thicke.

I finally listened to Robin Thicke's new album and while "Blurred Lines" is an undeniable musical force and much of the tunes on the album are finely crafted pieces of pop the dude should seriously consider hiring a lyricist because his lyrics are complete garbage through and through.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A musical interlude.

I hope I look this good in thirty years.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No one talks that way.

So O.K., I have to admit I like the zippy back-and-forth within Aaron Sorkin's scripts and it's delightful meter and pacing but jeebis, no one actually talks that way and if they did you would think they were crazy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wrapping up P4K 2013.

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead. Photo Credit: Samantha Abernethy/Chicagoist
The 2013 installment of the Pitchfork Music Festival is now fading into a mere memory. It included heat, tattoos, old friends I hadn't seen in a while, old friends I finally got to meet in person for the first time, rain, a huge slip-n-slide, a—aw heck, there was a lot going on. The Chicagoist recaps are below so if you want a more detailed view into how I and the rest of the crew spent the weekend, click through and read on!

Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Day One: Hot And Groovy
Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Day Two: Don't Stop The Rock
Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Day Three: Let's Dance!

Friday, July 19, 2013

P4K 2013 ... let's go!

Photo by me
Are you heading to Pitchfork Music Festival in Union Park this weekend? In that case, we have you covered over at Chicagoist. Read all of these and you'll come through the fest looking like a champ!

Your 2013 Pitchfork Music Festival Survival Guide 
Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Preview: Friday
Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Preview: Saturday
Pitchfork Music Festival 2013 Preview: Sunday

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The calm before the storm.

Pitchfork Music Festival kicks off tomorrow. Big time festival season in Chicago has officially started!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On the run.

It figures that the week we had beautiful weather I didn't have many commitments that cause me to need to leave the house and this week, when it's stifling, I've been on the run, non-stop.

But it's all good.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Get a tattoo ... for free!

Sailor Jerry hosts Cobrafest every year during the Pitchfork Music Festival weekend and this year continues the tradition. Last year GalPal and I stopped by and got free tattoos because we were supposedly VIPs, but I hear this year anyone can get 'em (if you get there early enough)! So make sure to RSVP and maybe I'll see you there? And maybe I'll get another tattoo this weekend? Hmmmm...

Monday, July 15, 2013

It's hot.

And I'm melting. Blergh.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Listen to this week's Slate Political Gabfest ... taped live in Chicago!

Peter Sagal, John Disckerson, Emily Bazelon, and David Plotz. Photo by me.
The Slate Political Gabfest taping I attended earlier this week is now online. Give it a listen!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The healing power of JAMZ.

I see Keep has been quietly uploading some of our demos so folks can finally start getting a peek at what we've been working on.

You see we're doing everything from super simple power-pop...

To acoustic sing-alongs (though we also have a version of this one that's LOUD we're still working on)...

To LOUD simple power-pop!

We're on fire right now. We even settled (I think) on a band name other than Kip and Kope. We've done more in the past couple weeks than we have in the last few months. Go figure.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Gorging on books.

It's interesting, usually when I've had free time in the (more recent) past I spent it devouring TV series or movies or catching up on things living inside my television set. This summer, though, I've found I've returned to older habits and carry around multiple books I'm reading at the same time. Novels, non-fiction, graphic novels, artist histories, short story collections; I'm reading them all. And it feels really good. It's definitely invigorating and I've rediscovered the joy in actively engaging with the written word that isn't mine. I now realize I always felt so pressed for time I was denying myself of what, for me, is a very basic and deep need.

Remember when you were a kid and you'd join a summer book club at your local library and then write every book you read down in a little booklet? When I did that I endeavored to fill that little booklet quickly so I could get another. And another. And another. All I wanted to do was read. I feel like I'm in that summer reading club again. And now I remember why I loved it so much. As Superman draws his power from the sun so do I draw my power from my brain and right now it's being well fed. And that feels terrific.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The Gabfest is coming to Chicago!

I saw the very first live Slate Political gabfest back in 2009 so I'm very excited I'm seeing them live again ... in Chicago tomorrow! You should go too, since tickets are still available.

Monday, July 08, 2013

I could learn something from this cat.

Pickle the Kitten is trying to teach me how to relax. Apparently this is step one. And two. And three and four and five.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Warm fuzzies.

Just spent the night with a bunch of friends, many of them old co-workers, and it just proved to me how excellent humans can be to each other. Excellent good times were had by all!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Stay safe, people!

'Tis the season of people drinking too much and then lighting stuff on fire to blow other stuff up. While I don't think the words "amateur" and "explosives" should ever go next to each other I'm also not an unbearable curmudgeon who wants to deny anyone a good time, if that's their definition of a good time. So just be careful, stay safe, and have fun!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Words of wisdom to young bands.

It's not about the gear, it's about being able to play music that makes you happy. I just finished a practice that went on for a couple hours with a super minimal drum kit, yet the sound I got out of it, coupled with really fun guitar accompaniment just kept us going and going. 

That's what making music's about!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Oh my aching back!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I rang it in late Saturday night with a 1 a.m. Prince show at City Winery. Since it was so last minute  I admit when I shot the publicist for the venue an email asking to get on the list I did it as a laerk since I figured I didn't have a chance in hell of getting in. GalPal and I were already out celebrating my birthday with my brotherds and some other friends, so when the email reply saying I was in came as a complete surprise!

After a breif internat debate over whether to go or not since everyone had already gathered for my birthday, but brother looked me in the eye and made the plain point that not only do you not turn down a chance to see Prince, but to see him for free in a tiny club would be insane to miss. So off I went!

He went on pretty late (so late I actually fell asleep standing up for a few minutes?!) and I actually didn't make it through the whole show but that's a whole other story. What I did see was amazing though. The only real downside is that halfway through his first song something snapped in my back and I suddenly had trouble standing. It was still pretty painful yesterday and troday my back is officially killing me, which is just great for a guy who has no insurance for the time being. I've never had lower back probems before so this is actually a new thing for me and I don't like it one bit.

See, I'm getting old!