Monday, July 01, 2013

Oh my aching back!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I rang it in late Saturday night with a 1 a.m. Prince show at City Winery. Since it was so last minute  I admit when I shot the publicist for the venue an email asking to get on the list I did it as a laerk since I figured I didn't have a chance in hell of getting in. GalPal and I were already out celebrating my birthday with my brotherds and some other friends, so when the email reply saying I was in came as a complete surprise!

After a breif internat debate over whether to go or not since everyone had already gathered for my birthday, but brother looked me in the eye and made the plain point that not only do you not turn down a chance to see Prince, but to see him for free in a tiny club would be insane to miss. So off I went!

He went on pretty late (so late I actually fell asleep standing up for a few minutes?!) and I actually didn't make it through the whole show but that's a whole other story. What I did see was amazing though. The only real downside is that halfway through his first song something snapped in my back and I suddenly had trouble standing. It was still pretty painful yesterday and troday my back is officially killing me, which is just great for a guy who has no insurance for the time being. I've never had lower back probems before so this is actually a new thing for me and I don't like it one bit.

See, I'm getting old!

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