Friday, November 22, 2013

Farm Fresh Feastin' in Chicago.

GalPal and I enjoy some farm Fresh Feastin'. Photo by Caroline Dixey Photography.
Earlier this week Bolthouse Farms and Thrillist (no relation to my own -ist) hosted a private Farm Fresh Fest at Carriage House in Chicago, and GalPal and I were one of the lucky ones to get invited to it. She's a more adventurous eater than me, though I can find just about anything to eat on any menu no matter how limited it might be*, so between the two of us we could provide a pretty honest appraisal of how the meal hit two very different palates. Cocktails were crafted with Bolthouse carrot juice, and while carrots ain't my thing GalPal thought the concoctions were pretty delicious, so yay for that.

The meal came in three courses, all overseen by Chef Mark Steuer, and the first was all GalPal since it had zero appeal for my particular taste buds. This was totally O.K. with her because the fried green tomatoes that came to our table absolutely knocked her out and my turning them down simply meant all the more for her to eat!

Oh that chicken. Photo by Caroline Dixey Photography.
Course number two had a fried chicken thigh topped with a honey and sweet potato hot sauce that it clearly didn't need since the thigh itself was absolutely delicious with a breading that had a pleasant kick to it the left the lips a little tingly and my stomach pretty happy. GalPal let me eat most of hers too as she dug into the shrimp and grits that rounded out the course. Her sacrifice was greatly appreciated on the chicken front, especially since she thought it was just as delicious as I did.

The third course had a crispy pork shoulder that, while not quite as great as the chicken, was still pretty outstanding. And it came with a low country boil that GalPal deemed rather tasty saw ell. For a picky eater like me facing a menu with limited options I was getting pretty stuffed by this point! They closed out the meal with carrot cake but I had to pass due to the aforementioned meeting of my gastric limit.

We get invites to these sorts of things all the time and I rarely agree to go, but I've gotta admit if Bolthouse Farms, Thrillest or Carriage house invite me to an event any of them in involved in I'll be saying yes as quickly as possible. It was truly a lovely evening.

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