Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dig into Dead Stars' 'Slumber.'

Video still via Dead Stars' Facebook page.
Dead Stars, a little band out of NYC I've been digging for the last year or so, finally released their full-length debut and if you dig guitars and melodies and indie rock circa 1994 that was still only on college radio and not storming the charts behind Nirvana, I think you will dig this. I wrote about their new video today and what I say there it pretty much encapsulates my view of the album as a whole. I like these dudes so much that I'm scheduling my birthday vacation around a stop they finally scheduled in Chicago to play The Empty Bottle on July 2. If they're coming through your town go see them, becasue if they're even half as good live as on record we should all be in for a good tour.

Listen to the album below and download it if you like what you hear.

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