Thursday, June 19, 2014

HowAboutWe for Couples ... is a ripoff.

I joined HowAboutWe for Couples a few months ago because the date packages they sold seemed interesting. And I've had a few nice nights with GalPal because of them. But I've had more problems with their system than successes and today I hit the end point. We bought a Honey Butter Chicken date because it promised an elusive and much coveted invite to the Sunday Dinner Club as well.

No invite ever arrived.

I reached our to HowAboutWe today and got this response:

"Thanks for writing in. The Supper Club is very secret and hush hush so you'll need to go to the restaurant and specifically talk to them. Mention HowAboutWe when you attend and they will let you know the details. There is almost certainly a waiting list."

We already attended the date, and none of this was said ahead of time. This was the final insult; you don't sell a service or a promise and then fail to tell people how they can take advantage of it.

Needless to say I've cancelled my membership, but I still have hopes for that Supper Club invite I was promised that I paid for. We'll see what happens, I guess.

UPDATE: The Honey Butter Chicken / Sunday Dinner Club people appear to be the stand up folks in this situation and have reached out to me to hold up their end of the deal. So, they gained my customer loyalty while my HowAboutWe for Couples membership will remain cancelled.

UPDATE 2: The Honey Butter Chicken / Sunday Dinner Club folks made good on their word and were incredibly classy about it the whole time.

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