Monday, May 11, 2015

Hey, Heyrocco!

I mean Christ, they're even posing against a Blue background!
Heyrocco come to the world straight outta Charleston and this band of early just-barely-20-somethings traffics in the noise from the '90s, particularly terrain previously mined by Weezer and their contingent. If you've been reading much of my music writing here and elsewhere over the past year it's become pretty obvious that decade is pretty much ruling the roost in the independent music scene. Well, that and the whole psychedelic rock thing. But hey, I like both music from the '90s and psychedelic rock so you'll hear no complaints from me!

Their debut, Teenage Movie Soundtrack, comes out in June but you can hear a bunch of the songs on their Soundcloud page since they've been trickling out for a couple months. I'd never heard of them until recently but they seem to have a pretty solid following and media machine—well, indie media machine—backing them, so once the album comes out you'll probably be hearing a lot of them.

They're planning on touring this summer so keep an eye out for them.

Oh, do I like the album? Fuck yeah, of course I do! Why else would I be writing this? There's just not a whole lot of deep critical digging to employ here. It's the sound of River's Cuomo's tears shorting out your amp and soaking your Super-fuzz Big Muff as stomp stomp stomp shake shake shake goes every single song. Delirious.

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