Thursday, June 01, 2017

How much new music did I listen to in May 2017? Let's find out!

I know. The hair's getting out of control.
Hm, May seemed pretty below average, music-wise. I listened to less albums, and most of the ones I did scored on the lower end of the spectrum. I don't know what that means, exactly. It does seem to indicate we've hit a slight lull in the releases for the year. Of course there a bunch on the back burner, so maybe if I spend more time enjoying my porch on the weekends in June I'll have a better chance of finding some new discoveries that tickle me a bit more.

So, the stats.

The guide to understanding my rating system is here, if you're interested.

Total number of new/upcoming releases listened to in May 2017: 41

Number of those releases that rated 7-10: 0

Number of those releases that rated 4-6: 30

Number of those releases that rated 1-3: 11

Highest rated album: Paramore's After Laughter. And wow, did this catch me off guard when I realized it was actually the new album I probably listened to the most this month. Especially considering I’ve never really been a fan!

New band I’d never heard of that caught me off guard: Well, I’ve heard of the members of BNQT, but was ready to write them off as yet another indie supergroup with (mostly) lesser known players from famous bands. But their debut Volume 1 is really good!

Most surprising discovery: Just how good Elf Power still is on their new album Twitching In Time. I expected something pleasing, but not this satisfying.

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