Monday, January 29, 2018

Lone wolf.

I'm literally crying right now.

Why, you ask?

Because I can't even handle how many people have reached out to me. I've run solo for a very long time, and I'm overwhelmed by how many friends have picked up on the fact everything is not O.K., and have reached out to me. For a guy who thought he was going it alone it's become obvious I am not alone.

Also, apparently have feelings. Who knew?!

Seriously through, it's been amazing to realize how many people actually care about me. It certainly makes me feel less alone.

In fact, it makes me realize I'm not alone.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to know exactly what to say, but I hope you know, that I'm hoping things work out for you, happily, whatever that's gonna mean for you, and I'm sorry you're in pain. It sucks. You've always been super nice to me and I've come to consider you a friend and not just "that editor I used to work with at Chicagoist" so I hope you know, I'm out there thinking good thoughts and hoping for good things for you, too.
