Thursday, April 30, 2020

Get a taste of The Lemon Twigs live and in concert from the comfort of your couch while benefitting a good cause!

The first time I saw The Lemon Twigs was at Lollapalooza a few years ago. My companion had it on her list of bands to see and I tagged along because there was nothing I wanted to cover in that time slot. It was yet another example of how smart that companion was, and her talent for discovering music even I had overlooked, due to her disciplined habit of checking out streams of just about every act playing the fest each year beforehand.

Anyway, The Lemon Twigs were electric. Amazing. And truly unpredicactable. The two brothers leading the band would jump around instruments, and the younger sibling came across as a balance of Keith Moon and some outer space glam alien. I had no idea what to expect but their mist cure of brawny rock, twisting hooks, theatricality and purse physicality won me over. By the end of the set the group had won over at least two more fans for life.

Their recorded music varies in quality, so while I enjoy their albums, none of them capture just how wild and loud The Lemon Twigs are IRL, but yesterday they released The Lemon Twigs LIVE, a live album stitched together from performances on their latest 2018-2019 tour. And I am so happy to finally have a reasonable document of the group's onstage power. Even better, The Lemon Twigs are donating 100% of proceeds from sales of the album to Coalition for the Homeless.*

Give it a listen and buy it! I should also note, that if you wait to buy The Lemon Twigs LIVE until tomorrow, Bandcamp is waiving all their fees again on May 1 to support the artists on the platform, so even more of your cash will go to charity.

*I'm really enjoying bands releasing live benefit albums right now. Everybody wins! The first I bought was from Father John Misty near the beginning of our unified lockdown, so I think it's super funny there's a long Father John Misty story told during "Hi+Lo" on this album.

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