Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday musings.

Hi there. Happy Monday! So here we are again, only I took Friday off of work so this actually does feel like a Monday to me! For the first time in weeks. In a good way—I'm refreshed and raring to go!

The only thing I listened to all weekend was the new Fiona Apple album, something I believe should be distributed universally and is also her finest album. Tidal will always be the "big" album when writing the history of her impact, but Fetch The Bolt Cutters is astounding. I can't really say much more about it that that at the moment. I'm still processing it, and I suspect that will be the case for weeks and months to come. And that's awesome.

What else?

Is everyone getting their steps in each day? I'm still breaking 10K steps a day, but my average is down under 11K. I need to work on getting that number back up above a 12K average to match my pre-pandemic goals. I know this doesn't sound important, but maintaining whatever routines you have from the olden days feels really important right now. Or adapting those routines. Either way, routine is important! We all need something to latch onto as an anchor of sorts, and routine is one of those things we can implement, control, and feel good about. You already know that, but a reminder never hurt anyone,

What else? Oh! I know!

I hope you have an amazing Monday. That's what else!

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