Wednesday, September 09, 2020

'Never Not Here' from Dead Stars is truly better late than never.

This is an old photo, but I used their new one already, and honestly? The folks in the band still look the same.
What's worse: forgetting one of your favorite bands released an album in 2020, or writing about their eminent album release months ago and then totally forgetting about it?

Yup, the pandemic is not just allowing lesser known artists to slip under my radar, I'm missing out on stuff from acts I love! And Dead Stars definitely fits into the "love" category. And their latest LP Never Not Here was released in February. So I immediately bought and downloaded it Monday night as soon as my mistake was revealed.*

In an era where many band are taking their cues from '90s indie rock, Dead Stars have always shone a little more brightly. Their songs are a little tighter, and their guitars chug along balancing a sprightly groove with darker chugging undercurrents. And the vocals rely on melodies you can actually whistle or hum, which helps move them further up the ladder in, in my humble opinion that is often lacking in music that flirts with shoegaze and pop at the same time.

Never Not Here keeps up the good fight and keeps Dead Stars near the top of my list of contemporary faves right now. I think you'll find there's a space for them on your list as well.

*I do have to admit I'm bummed I never had a chance to buy the limited edition CD release of the album—bands are getting inventive outside of vinyl!—but that's the price you pay for losing track of a band's release!

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