Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Slipping through the streams of time with Wye Oak.

Photo by Kendall Atwater

Since the world is a dumpster fire right now, both literally and figuratively, and the pressure seems to only be increasing on everyone about everything, so this week I'm interrupting the previously planned editorial calendar to focus on music that is uplifting or transporting in a positive way for anyone who might need a 30 to 50 (or in today's case, 20) minute respite from it all before going back to fight the good fight.

Today's entry featuring music to make you feel good is a weird one for this series, I'll admit. Even I thought all these posts would feature immediately recognizable "up with people" tunes, but one of my main criteria for uplifting music is that it transports you to a better place, and on the No Horizon EP Wye Oak certainly takes you to a different plane. 

It's a world of aching beauty given power through hope and and the openness to something bigger than you in this world. The entire EP lasts a brief 20 minutes, but the space within those minutes is far larger, creating a weirdly pleasant dissociative effect as the music literally takes you into a different temporal dimension.

I know this all sounds very highfalutin and one might think I'm describing the exact opposite of comforting, feel-good music.* But once you start the little journey into No Horizon it will all make sense and you'll come out the other side of this EP feeling refreshed and positive. 

And then you'll have a trusty quick musical hit to turn to when you just need a few minutes to reenergize throughout the day.

*Did you know highfalutin doesn't require an apostrophe at the end? I was today-years-old when I discovered that!

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