Thursday, October 21, 2021

Where S. Raekwon is at now is both intriguing and rewarding.

Photo by Daniel Dorsa
I've heard S. Raekwon's name* floating around, but that was the extent of my awareness heading into his latest album Where I'm At Now. So I'm not sure how to describe this combination of soulful kinda-sorta R&B running smack dab into singer/songwriter acoustic performance conventions and a variety of other bits and bobs thrown in for good measure.

O.K., I guess I just tried to. But that doesn't capture the magic of this album. I went in with no expectations, so when the music within started to lift my soul it felt akin to a carnival ride that suddenly shoots you into the sky, seconds after the attendant confirms you're safely strapped in. Your stomach is far behind, but your brain is whirling and buzzing as you momentarily float at the apex, and it's a whole bunch of things you're feeling up there.

So I think this is one of those album that, if I spend a ton of time really trying to explain its strengths to you, might rob you of some of the wonderful sense of discovery listening to this should engender.

Stream it for free below, but at only $3, I can't see why you wouldn't just download it for keeps. Either way, you'll win and have some new vibez in your ears to add addtitional color to the shifting seasons outside your window this morning. Where S. Raekwon is at now is definitely an excellent place to visit.

*Full name: Steven Raekwon Reynolds, in case you're curious.

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