Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Foggy notion.

So you know how there are those days that you’re not hung over, not really tired and not really feeling too bad but you feel kinda foggy nonetheless? That’s where I am this morning.

So I guess this wouldn’t be the best time for my interior monologuists to indulge in an extended wrestling match over which pathway I should follow as a template for living, right? It’s no secret that I am constantly in a battle with myself over two primary options.

Option One: Move to the ‘burbs, have babies and grow old with Photogal.
Option Two: Party like a rock star, continue booking shows, sow my wild oats.

Each option seems to pretty fully exclude the other, right? Wrong. I’m selfish and I want all of the above -- except for the “sowing wild oats” part (for the most part..c'mon, all guys want to continuously sow the oats but it takes a man to hold himself in check. I'm trying to be a man, okay?) My challenge is to figure out how to meld all of the above statements into a cohesive whole that will st6aisfy both me and Photogal.

It ain’t easy kids. Time slips by quickly so I tend to want to live in each moment. As I get older, though, I begin to see that inhabiting life moment by moment tends to leave the end result of a life lived with no actual results. Wait, that’s confusing. Let me put it this way: It’s hard to leave a lasting mark if all you’re consumed by is the urge to mark your territory. Wait, that might be a tad on the zoological side. Whatever.

I think what I’m trying to say – and bumbling quite terribly due to a) this morning’s fogginess and b) the generally daunting nature of the question(s) I’m trying to answer – is that it’s getting to be time for me to grow up and I’m having issues with that.

I take the fact I have issues as being a good thing since it would seem to be indicative of a healthy growing process. If I wasn’t questioning every step how could I ever hope to take responsibility for the end results? In the end I want no one but myself to blame for the path I take.

Now I’ve gotta go. It’s time to grab a shovel, some wood, a hammer and some nails and try to figure out how to bridge the gaps between Options One and Two…

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