Tuesday, June 01, 2004

May I humbly recommend the following?

They let a lot of people go at work last Friday so I expect today will be very busy. In the interest of not leaving anyone hanging on this Tuesday morning that feels like a Monday I figured I’d give a brief accounting of things that have rocked my personal world over the last few weeks. Maybe you should check these things out as well?

- Mean Girls was the perfect example of what a smart and darkly funny teen film should be. It was also a good example of a teen film engaging a sour old coot like myself and triumphing over its supposed genre. An added plus? Lindsey Lohan’s, um, assets. I sweartagod that girl did not look like that when I was in high school…

- Eats, Shoots and Leaves is so far a delightful little read. I’m glad there are other people in the world that are bummed out by the mass population arbitrarily applying “rules” to grammar.

- Rachael Yamagata’s Happenstance is terrific. Honest. Trust me.

- I’ve had it for eons but I’m suddenly re-hooked on the Heart album by those electro-poppers from Canada Stars. As far as this sort of thing goes I still think The Postal Service is tops but this little disc it awfully pretty.

- The article about stand-up comics that was in the New Yorker a few weeks ago really reminded me of the time I spent with comedians and poets and reinforced my belief that, generally, they are a miserable, disturbed and very funny bunch of people.

- The DVD set of Chappelle's Show - Season 1 is almost enough to make me want to start paying for cable again. Insightful, inciteful and goddamned hilarious.

Okay, on to the nine to five for the day. Kisses.

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