Wednesday, July 06, 2005


A little birdie told me that there are some pictures from my birthday party last Thursday here and here. Thanks to both Dave and Maggie for staying above the fray to capture these candid shots. Well, Dave stayed above the fray...Maggie kept clicking away until she dropped her camera and it stopped working. I'd also like to thank both of them for making me look like a goon in every single photo while managing to make everyone else -- especially a certain Photogal who was in attendance earlier in the evening -- look el fabuloso.

Seriously though, I was glad someone was snapping photos. I'm terrible at it. With the advent of digital cameras it seems as if everyone has turned into their own personal documentarian while I, on the other hand, am lucky if I remember to take two photos a year as keepsakes of the passing time. Maybe that's why I write so much. I mean, even my fiction is a sanpshot of a certain time, or mindset or set of perceptions, right? I guess that would explain why the lack of visual history isn't as important to me as long as it's balanced by a complimentary literary history.

Whatever. I've also posted the very first snaps of me taken shortly after midnight on my birthday when Photogal and our friend Mary headed out to Rainblo to ring in my own persoanl new year.

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