Wednesday, March 03, 2010

So, so much funnier than I expected.

So, so much funnier than I expected.

Just seeing this picture makes me giggle again.

We saw an advance screening of Hot Tub Time Machine last night and while I expected to be amused by the movie, it exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed The Hangover but I laughed harder and more frequently while watching HTTM. Outside of a slightly sluggish section in the second act, the laughs are constant and the humor ranges from lowbrow, to winking, to charming, to just being funny for funny's sake.

Yes, you are going to want to see this movie when it comes out later this month. Probably twice.


  1. Does this mean you ARE going to go to that second screening?? Heh heh.

  2. Actually Marcus will be going so we can review the movie together!

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    John Cusack---I'm there. It's as simple as that.

  4. Cusack's inclusion allows for a very subtle but very funny nod to his past. That's all I'll say on that.

  5. this movie appeals more to me than the Hangover did. I actually thought the Hangover was pretty stupid and the laughs were too set-up if that makes any sense...the whole Tiger in the bathroom thing was just retarded.

    this one seems like it will be funnier.

  6. I had a similar read as you to The Hangover, though my response may have been dimmed since I saw it so long after it came out. However it's primary problems -- too long between gags, many of which are predicated on thinking it's REALLY funny these guys can't remember anything -- is not shared by HTTM.

    Of course maybe now I've talked HTTM up too much and raised expectations too far.

  7. I'm guessing they do a nod to "Better Off Dead?"

  8. My silence shall be my answer.
