Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What if I wasn't a writer?

What if I wasn't a writer?

What if I didn't write music reviews? What if I had never become a copywriter? What if I had never penned a short story / novella / painstakingly researched academic paper? What if I didn't write long columns on various subjects / beliefs / observations? What would I be then?

I suspect I'd be the same person. I've always created music. I've always created visual art. I've always had some nagging drive to communicate with the world around me. Ever since I was itsy bitsy I've felt the need to share what I thought (and at an alarmingly young age I considered my views to be that of someone over a decade and a half older than I actually was ... and we're talking right around the 3rd or 4th grade, I believe).

Everything I've done involves sharing. Sometimes I share for selfish reasons; to prove my viewpoint. Sometimes I share for generous reasons; to introduce people to the beauty they migh be missing. Sometimes I share for no other reason than I just have to, because it's the right thing, and because no one else will be brave enough to say it, consequences be damned. Sometimes I share stupidly; saying things I think are necessary but in fact could probably go unsaid and save everyone the hassle and pain. Sometimes I share by keeping my mouth shut, and listening, and understanding.

So what would I be if I wasn't a writer? I'd be the exact same person I am now.

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