Monday, July 15, 2024

David Bowie talks about his alcoholism.

How have I never, ever seen this amazing bit from the BBC of David Bowie discussing his alcoholism?! I think I would have found it really inspiring back in my darker days.

[If, for some reason it doesn't start there, fast-forward to about 4:54 in the interview for the content I'm talking about.]

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Cle Elum are definitely not losing their edge on "Old Folks."

Photo by: Sandlin Gaither
What timing! I was literally listening to ht new album from musical duo The Cle Elum yesterday, and as a track titled "Old Folks" came on I started laugh-crying; the lyrics were playful and smart but also wickedly self-deprecating and rather spot-on.* I actually searched for a stream of that song yesterday—I was so impressed by it I wanted to share it immediately—but it was not yet available. Fast-forward a few hours to this morning and BLAMMO, there was an email in my inbox announcing the debut of The Cle Elum's video for said song.

More on this album to come from me on Third Coast Review closer to its release date, but I couldn't wait to potentially turn a few of you onto this tune. Enjoy!

*Inside baseball tidbit? Often when you get promos of new albums, the tracks still have the names from the mastering process, or from when there were different mixes still under consideration. So I think it's worth noting that in those files, the working title for "Old Folks" was "Old Fucks." Both titles perfectly capture the sentiment of the song.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I made it through another year!

Last weekend I turned another year older, and it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a very long time. It's not that prior birthdays were letdowns, but I think I've finally adjusted to accept my new interests, let go of some of my old hang-ups, and most importantly, I'm in my first real long-term adult relationship since I quit drinking in 2019. More precisely, it's my first long-term adult relationship where drinking never entered the picture. It would take me far more than the couple hundred words I intended to write today to go into what a profound difference that last point makes. 

So, it was a wonderful day of food from my favorite places, new outdoor adventures, spending time with the person I love, and amazing gifts (the kind you didn't know you wanted until you open them up and realize how perfectly the other person "gets" you). It wasn't a day of wild events, but it was a day that wildly surpassed my previous expectations. I mean, who woulda thunk a few years ago my happy place today would be filled with plants and animals and not stage lights and rock and/or roll animals? But that's who I am now. And you know what? I dig it!