Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The DIFF and an 8-Bit Girl are a match made in rock and/or roll heaven.

Y’know, the cats in The DIFF are looking awfully sprightly for a band whose debut album was recorded in 1979. This video was filmed last year at their album release show (I was there!) and lemme tell you, jaws DROPPED when that 8-Bit Girl showed up.

And if you don't have your copy of their debut, What's The DIFF, what's wrong with you?! Get yours now!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Do not abandon hope, all ye who enter here...

Weird to think that following the Republican convention in Milwaukee I had little hope for the political future of the U.S.A. Then, a month ago we were on vacation and had just learned Biden was dropping out and Harris was his hoped-for replacement. Then, two weeks ago, we all lost it in the greatest possible fashion as Kamala Harris announced her pick for Vice President. 

And this week I find myself more hopeful for the future of my country than I thought was even possible at this stage of the game!

While I could do with a break from living in constantly "unprecedented times," at least this time the emotion this unprecedented time is filling me with is hope, instead of anxiety and despair. I'll take it!

Also, given how the last month has gone, I would argue we could all really benefit from an extremely truncated election season. Think of the difference it would make if most of our elected representatives could focus on doing their job instead of constantly campaigning to keep it!