Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Yeah, I don't know what to say right now either.

No matter what I start writing it feels wrong. There's a swirling tsunami of thoughts up there, but focus is absolutely impossible. What little disposable income I have has already been spread thin through donations to local businesses and social causes I want to support through these trying times. And I admire the protestors out there making their point en masse and peacefully, even if I can't join them on the front lines. I do believe that this could be a positive turning point for our country, but only if the public's historically short and ever-shrinking attention span remains focused on change and ignores the non-stop volley of chaotic messages and actions from the people who are supposed to be leading our country. Like many, I remain absolutely perplexed that Trump continues to have strong re-election prospects despite the majority of the population disagreeing with his polices, and the minority that does support Trump seems absolutely blind to the fact that a) he has done nothing to improve their lives, much less the healthy economy he inherited (and continues to stake his reputation on—but we're talking about a man so stupid he believes the stock market is the leading indicator of economic security and growth) and b) I would venture the anecdotal guess that 99.999999% of the U.S. population is worse off on so many levels than they were in 2016. Including me. And I bet, you.

On top of all that, Trump is a racist in the midst of a national movement to finally address the issue of systemic racism that has been a core original sin of the U.S. from the very beginning. I'm just another white middle-aged dude, and there are so many inspirational people and activists and leaders so much wiser and better informed on this offering explanations and plans-of-action, but I am doing what I can to offer my full support for fixing this evil—as painful and uncomfortable as it is for everyone—however I can.

So, I don't know how we change this. It feels like it decimates rational thought and positively proactive actions. And don't you dare tell me to wait until November and let the people's votes do the talking when our system is loaded with laws to disenfranchise and keep the potential voters most affected by this away from casting their votes. Still!

I just don't know any more. But we can't give up hope.

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