Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I made it through another year!

Last weekend I turned another year older, and it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a very long time. It's not that prior birthdays were letdowns, but I think I've finally adjusted to accept my new interests, let go of some of my old hang-ups, and most importantly, I'm in my first real long-term adult relationship since I quit drinking in 2019. More precisely, it's my first long-term adult relationship where drinking never entered the picture. It would take me far more than the couple hundred words I intended to write today to go into what a profound difference that last point makes. 

So, it was a wonderful day of food from my favorite places, new outdoor adventures, spending time with the person I love, and amazing gifts (the kind you didn't know you wanted until you open them up and realize how perfectly the other person "gets" you). It wasn't a day of wild events, but it was a day that wildly surpassed my previous expectations. I mean, who woulda thunk a few years ago my happy place today would be filled with plants and animals and not stage lights and rock and/or roll animals? But that's who I am now. And you know what? I dig it!

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