My Appleseed Valentine?
O.K., I'll admit it, I am seriously confused. The last time I really listened to
The Appleseed Cast was waaaay back when I would actually talk to
Deep Elm Records founder John Szuch on the phone semi-regularly because I loved his label so much ... and this was before he signed Triple fast Action! I dug
Brandston's Mould-ish sheets of guitars, thought
Muckafurgason was absolutely hilarious, and generally just dug about every band he brought on-board. (Please, before you freak out, keep in mind that while we called these bands emo at the time we had no idea what that phrase was going to turn into over the next 15 years.)
Anyway, The Appleseed Cast fit in the mold of most of his other bands and played serious minded but really melodic heavy rock. I had their first couple of albums and enjoyed the tracks I heard of their on various samplers, but pretty much lost track of them years ago. A few days ago their new album,
Sagarmatha, shows up in my mailbox and whoah was I not prepared for what I heard after throwing it through my earbuds.
When did The Appleseed Cast go shoegaze?!
Now, I am NOT knocking this new direction of theirs nut I am wondering just how new it is? Has this been a long time coming and I'm only just know growing hip to it, or is this some sort of sudden lurch in a new direction? I mean, the guitar volume makes sense, but I don't remember their vocals ever lying under so much dreamy reverb nestled amongst epic length jams.
I like it!
They'll be at Bottom Lounge February 27, and I think I'm gonna try and catch them.