At the same time I’m getting pretty sick of the knee-jerk reactions I’m seeing happen time and time again from Liberal groups. I mean, many of them are just as guilty as the Conservative groups out there when it comes to twisting statistics or phrases to their purpose. Now I get that both sides feel they need to do this because if one or the other actually decided to take the high road and operate purely from within the realm of fact the other side would most assuredly take advantage and slander away to their little heart’s content. Notice I didn’t say one or the other was more likely to do it? That’s because both Liberals and Conservatives are equally as guilty of taking advantage of the ignorance – or just plain ill-informed due to laziness – of the masses.
This really started to irk me when I was getting e-mails from Move On and its ilk just after the President nominated John Roberts for the Supreme Court. He was lambasted as a baby killer, gay basher and chauvinist pig. I mean, c’mon…at that point there wasn’t enough of a paper trail on any of those counts to really make those claims! So I grew annoyed. Yesterday I get the below e-mail, that I think has been going around, and I almost started to smack my computer screen. I have left it intact, spelling mistakes and all.
where's our president?
he's in san diego giving a speach... comparing pearl harbor with iraq... meanwhile our gulf coast is blown out.... why wasn't his presence felt on sunday? why is he reacting now? he knew it was a cat 5 hur? he has failed the good people who are drowning right now! the million people who left New Orleans have nothing to come back to.... and he reacts now?
a good leader is proactive!
there was no question what was going to happen early monday morning.... our government has failed the people.
i guess gas prices will just sky rocket now.... the oil companies will get another tax break.. more than last month...
i'm sickened by mr bush...
Now the above is just plain stupid. First of all, Bush declared the area to be hit by Katrina as a disaster area before it even touched the shores. Last I checked he was also looking into releasing oil from our strategic reserves in order to off-set and productivity loss due to the hurricane. But that’s not even really the fucking point. For one, we pay less for our gasoline than almost anyone else on the fucking planet! Do I like paying three bucks a gallon when I commute almost fifty miles a day? Hell no! Would I be happier if I was paying the same as they do everywhere else and had to plug seven bucks a gallon in to my tank at each fill up? HELL NO!? Do I think Bush can actually do a single goddamned thing about rising gas prices? No again.
Okay, I’m getting off track here. The gas problem isn’t Bush’s fault, at least not in my book. It’s the fault of lazy Americans who keep voting representatives in who cut deals with auto makers and oil companies and refineries and so on and so on. I think Bush has demonstrated pretty obviously that he doesn’t even have any real sway with his daddy’s best buddies the Saudis anymore. But like I said, I’m getting off track.
Liberals. That’s where I was. Yes, I can’t stand where my country is standing right now in regards to the rest of the planet. I think our leadership is not just flawed but dangerous. I can’t even really fathom what motivates people to act the way that they do. I do know that to emulate them is not the way to beat them. Knee jerk reactions based on faulty facts and fractured reasoning only serve to make Liberals look like assholes while Conservatives keep a united front and continue to act holier than thou. So yeah, criticize our President, his cronies and the mess that they’ve gotten the U.S.A. into but for goodness sake please make sure your arguments are based on solid fact because an irrefutable front has a much better chance of causing a simply united front to come crumbling down in a pile of contradictions and faulty reasoning.
Okay, where the hell did all that come from? I need something to help clear my head after all that...um, here...yeah, this'll do quite nicely...

Ahhhhh....Kelllllllly. Much better.
P.S. I totally stole those photos from here. Love that site.