Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Band Called Horse!

A Band Called Horse didn’t play many shows during their brief existence, but I’ve always felt a little proud that I booked one of them at The Note in 2001 while I was talent buyer there. My tenure at The Note preceded the era of easily shooting digital video on your phone, requiring actual an actual digital video camera of some sort, so I have stumbled across very few visual recordings of the shows I did there. 

But man oh man, am I glad this one exists!  

Friday, February 07, 2025

Hi there!

Since these little folks make me smile multiple times a day when I pass them in my apartment, maybe they'll help brighten your Friday too.

Friday, January 31, 2025

One recommendation: Hundreds of Beavers!

It’s rare that I stumble across a piece of media that will easily answer the question I hear most often, “what do you recommend I listen to or watch?” Usually there is so much sloshing around up there that I can’t answer quickly with a response that feels tailor-made to that person’s individual tastes. But recently I stumbled across a movie that feels like an excellent recommendation to just about anyone of (almost) any age!

It’s been out for a few years on the festival circuit but recently made it’s way to Amazon Prime video (though the Blu-Ray seems to have been delayed, if you’re more a physical media type). And to say much more would rob you of the pleasure watching the film with a naive mindset. But if I must save an elevator pitch, I‘d say it’s a live action Looney Tune cartoon stretched to feature film length, employing some of the most ingenious super-duper lo-fi effects I’ve seen.

One word of warning: it does open with a musical number that doesn’t entirely work, and it can take a few minutes to adjust to the film once it gets really rolling. But if you’re looking for tons of fun, settle in, get comfy, and look no further.

(If you live in Chicago, I see the film is actually playing at The Music Box tonight at 11:15, so it's clearly already moving into midnight movie territory...always an excellent sign.)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

30 years of Tankboy?

It has occurred to me that 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the original Tankboy email newsletter (that ran regularly until the mid-aughts) and the 20th anniversary of my starting at Chicagoist (a gig I held for the next 12 years). Mind-blowing, sometimes.

And people wonder why it sometimes feels like I've "been around forever/have always been online" or get confused when they discover my age.* Most folks tend to believe I am just a few years younger or older than they are, depending on what time in their life they first came across my writing or met me. I have plenty of thoughts on that, too.

But this is more a reminder to myself that I shouldn't let either of these two things pass by this year without some deeper discussion on both, so that's something for you to look forward to as well, right?

It's also weird to me to think that the nickname I picked as an AOL handle based on my favorite comic book character at the time that ended up sticking to me from then on might be older than a number of my readers. Wait, did people even still know what AOL was/is?!

Okee doke, carry on. Just parking a few thoughts and I'm glad you stopped by.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"Sent from 64 iPhones."

I guess in the spirit of full transparency I should divulge that in December I contributed enough money to be an "executive producer" during this current album cycle for the band OK Go. It's symbolic nature and I think of it more as directly putting some dough into the collective pockets of a band I've been a fan of since their earliest days in Chicago.

Anyhoo, for me it's pretty exciting to see OK Go come out of a pretty long hibernation period, and their first video for the new album continues their trend of creating eye-bending visuals, this time through the vehicle of multiple iPhone screens showcasing a carefully stitched together collection of interwoven shots.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Rejoice! Franz Ferdinand's new album is out soon!

You've only got to wait until January 10 to hear the whole thing, but why don't you start the new year off right with a taste of one of my favorite albums of 2025 (already!). 

Franz Ferdinand's last album exceeded all my expectations and 2025's The Human Fear takes a few wild left turns to shake things up, broaden their sound, and holy heck if it ain't another stellar release from a band now decades into their career. 

This ain't a sentimental stroll but an adventurous road trip for your ears, exploring all kinds of new territories and revealing eddy upon eddy of swirling, captivating hooks to swim in.

The band is touring North America later this year, but it appears the Christmas show they played for the local radio station last month means Chicago doesn't get a dedicated stop on the proper tour. Which is a bummer, but I'm sure they'll be back some other time.

UPDATE 1/10: The band has just announced a Chicago stop after all! They'll play The Vic on April 5!

Monday, December 09, 2024

Pickle the Kitten: 2006–2024

Pickle the Kitten passed away last Thursday, December 5. I was with her through the very end and she left this plane peacefully, surrounded by my and Nora's love. Losing my steadfast companion of the last 18+ years has been incredibly painful, but it's also meant the last couple days have been absolutely filled with favorite memories of my time with her. And somewhere out there I can't help but feel she's found her furry family from over the years and is running around with Betty the Beagle, Lucy the Dog, Chloe the Cat, and Sasha Cat.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Back it up back it up back it up back it up...


It's Friday. And, forgive me, that means it's also Fri-YAY! And whilst things may seem dark right now—I mean, it is the start of winter and the skies have been largely grey and gloomy—I think Neal Francis may just have the antidote to any blahs (or arghs) you're feeling today.

"Back It Up" is a slinky funk stroll that seems perfectly suited for a good ol' fashioned summer strut, hence it's lovely jam to help melt your woes. For at least the next four-and-a-half minutes or so.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Let's just try ... writing?

Some days I'm just going to have to sit here and type until something comes to me. I have felt the growing urge to return to daily posting, but often feel like there is such a logjam of thoughts in my brain I often have no clue where to start! So today, let's just—HEY! I got it. News! NEWS!

News advice.

On election night I watched television news for the first time in eons, and was shocked at how ... terrible it is. And it was then that I realized that while I take in my news primarily in written form from a variety of sources, most folks get their news from network TV, 24-hour TV news, or long-talk format podcasts. And that is ... not great news for any of us.

Pull the plug and get out your reading glasses. And broaden your purview. It might not give you the most reassuring view of the world, but it will give you a far more accurate read of things. And you'll start to see the rhythms and repetitions and dissmeninate between turbulence and actual events.

My other word of advice is to not get pulled up into the current chaos most news outlets are currently obsessed with. In my humble opinion, we need to stop taking sides now since I predict by this time next year we will all be in the same boat, regardless of your political beliefs and affiliations. 

And we'll all need each other, then. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

What the UNT? Pinhead Gunpowder is back!

Photo via Pinhead Gunpowder's Instagram

Wow, I still remember when early Pinhead Gunpowder stuff was coming out, and how wild it felt to have the guy from Green Day in another punk band that sounded like an even punkier version of Green Day. So if you dig the catchy melodies, but don't like the production sheen of "Major Label Punk" then Pinhead Gunpowder definitely scratches that itch.

It seems the band released a new full-length album last month—their first full-length album since 1997—with little fanfare (that I saw) so I was pleasantly surprised to see the band was still active. 

Enjoy UNT, may it rile you up and send you into the weekend with a surplus of energy.

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Get ready to sink your ears into excellent music from The DIFF!

Photo of The DIFF by me.
I've told you about The DIFF before. Repeatedly. And while they released their long-awaited "lost" album on vinyl last year ... it was only available via vinyl. Meaning only the dedicated few fans got a chance to delve into the disc.

Well, The DIFF finally released their debut Whats The DIFF to stream or buy in digital format, meaning you no longer have an excuse not to give into its bevy of power-pop new wave delights! 

I'll note you can still get the vinyl version of the album, complete with cool additions like a band patch and pin and a fanzine. If you dig the digital tunes, you will love the vinyl format for this one.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

One particular bucket list ... complete?

In my 30+ years of working in music, there have only been two shows I really wanted to see that I simply couldn't gain access to.* This isn't a humblebrag, it's a simple fact. I've been around so long that getting access to shows was never a huge concern if I really wanted to see the show.

But there were always two shows hanging over my head that showed the limits of my access! One was Miley Cyrus and The Flaming Lips at The Riv in 2015 on their brief tour as a collaborative unit. But I've seen both The Lips and Cyrus live, so it was more the moment than anyone's live prowess that I missed. So it felt like less of a void, to be honest.

But the other was Kylie Minogue at UIC in 2009. Longtime readers will know what a huge Kylie fan I am—like, MASSIVE.  But she tours the U.S. so infrequently I had given up hope I'd even see her live after not getting into that show. I even considered going to her Vegas residency! 

But next year, I will finally see Kylie! EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!

Quite honestly, despite my live show attendance slowing to a relative trickle, I've been filling it with amazing concerts and feel like I'm an incredibly lucky boy right now.* 

*Jeez, that really makes me sound old, doesn't it? Also, to be clear, by "access" I mean either being able to procure tickets or get on the guest list. But I have always been willing to pay for tickets to high profile, sold-out shows. Didn't want to give the wrong impression there.
**As an aside, if you'd asked me three years ago if I'd soon be seeing shows headlined by Blur, Pulp, and Oasis I would've laughed and called you cruel. And Kylie too? I would've probably turned bright red and scrunched up my face real good, thinking you were really yanking my leg. Now? Now I just consider myself incredibly lucky.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Slowing down, intentionally.

I have a draft of a really long post on a similar topic, but it keeps sitting there and staring at me as I ponder whether I reveal too much of myself in it. So, consider this a stop-gap effort to at least describe how I’m changing my process when it comes to listening to music.
In the past, I have listened to any album sent to me, always open to a new discovery, while simultaneously actively tracking down other new music I hear about to keep abreast of everything that’s happening.
This made sense when I was out and about multiple nights a week to take in shows and had a daily responsibility to find interesting things to write about for a mainstream audience. I no longer have that responsibility, and I have grown somewhat concerned about what my approach to ingesting music has done to me internally. I am always trying to catch up, rarely have time to listen new releases more than 2 or 3 times if I am in love with them, and I almost never get to listen to older albums, no matter how much they mean to me.
On top of this, since 2017 I have gone through a litany of life-events that I feel changed me so much that even some of my old faves no longer resonate, and I often find myself looking to listen to something reassuringly familiar, and then get lost in 30 minutes of trying to decide which comfort-food album will take up precious time I could’ve spent listening to “new” bands. It’s like trying a find a movie on a streaming service and being frozen by too many options and too little time. It's the opposite of rejuvenating or relaxing.
And, quite honestly, I no longer feel there’s as much interest in music writing like mine these days. Yes, I think it’s still valuable and yes, I believe there is a core group of folks who still actively seek out music beyond passive delivery via algorithms … but that group grows smaller and smaller.
So, I am pulling back and trying to make a concerted effort to adjust my music consumption. I am intentionally culling albums from my potential listening queue before they even make it to ye olde tankPHONE for listening. And I am trying to grow less concerned “I’m losing touch” just because I don’t listen to every single thing that comes my way.
Since my written output has grown more scarce—meaning all my opinions and thoughts just bounce around my head like an ever increasingly cacophonous echo chamber—it doesn’t seem prudent to keep cramming my head with new music at the same rate I have for decades and decades.
And I now realize this “stop-gap” post managed to be almost as long as the post I’ve been sitting on…so we’ll see how this goes.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

One more day until Fig Dish!

Fig Dish plays the first of two sold-out shows at GMan tomorrow night, and just released this video earlier this week to whet appetites for their "new" album being released Friday.

I'm pretty excited for the shows, eager to see what the boys in the band have cooked up, and I am anticipating seeing LOTS of faces I haven't seen in years (and some, in decades(!!)). 

But I also confess two shows in two nights is gonna be a lot for me. Especially when you factor in a third show on Sunday to see Pulp. Which is kinda hilarious if you've known me a long time, but also just the current state of things with me, and I am O.K. with that!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The DIFF and an 8-Bit Girl are a match made in rock and/or roll heaven.

Y’know, the cats in The DIFF are looking awfully sprightly for a band whose debut album was recorded in 1979. This video was filmed last year at their album release show (I was there!) and lemme tell you, jaws DROPPED when that 8-Bit Girl showed up.

And if you don't have your copy of their debut, What's The DIFF, what's wrong with you?! Get yours now!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Do not abandon hope, all ye who enter here...

Weird to think that following the Republican convention in Milwaukee I had little hope for the political future of the U.S.A. Then, a month ago we were on vacation and had just learned Biden was dropping out and Harris was his hoped-for replacement. Then, two weeks ago, we all lost it in the greatest possible fashion as Kamala Harris announced her pick for Vice President. 

And this week I find myself more hopeful for the future of my country than I thought was even possible at this stage of the game!

While I could do with a break from living in constantly "unprecedented times," at least this time the emotion this unprecedented time is filling me with is hope, instead of anxiety and despair. I'll take it!

Also, given how the last month has gone, I would argue we could all really benefit from an extremely truncated election season. Think of the difference it would make if most of our elected representatives could focus on doing their job instead of constantly campaigning to keep it!

Monday, July 15, 2024

David Bowie talks about his alcoholism.

How have I never, ever seen this amazing bit from the BBC of David Bowie discussing his alcoholism?! I think I would have found it really inspiring back in my darker days.

[If, for some reason it doesn't start there, fast-forward to about 4:54 in the interview for the content I'm talking about.]

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Cle Elum are definitely not losing their edge on "Old Folks."

Photo by: Sandlin Gaither
What timing! I was literally listening to ht new album from musical duo The Cle Elum yesterday, and as a track titled "Old Folks" came on I started laugh-crying; the lyrics were playful and smart but also wickedly self-deprecating and rather spot-on.* I actually searched for a stream of that song yesterday—I was so impressed by it I wanted to share it immediately—but it was not yet available. Fast-forward a few hours to this morning and BLAMMO, there was an email in my inbox announcing the debut of The Cle Elum's video for said song.

More on this album to come from me on Third Coast Review closer to its release date, but I couldn't wait to potentially turn a few of you onto this tune. Enjoy!

*Inside baseball tidbit? Often when you get promos of new albums, the tracks still have the names from the mastering process, or from when there were different mixes still under consideration. So I think it's worth noting that in those files, the working title for "Old Folks" was "Old Fucks." Both titles perfectly capture the sentiment of the song.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I made it through another year!

Last weekend I turned another year older, and it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a very long time. It's not that prior birthdays were letdowns, but I think I've finally adjusted to accept my new interests, let go of some of my old hang-ups, and most importantly, I'm in my first real long-term adult relationship since I quit drinking in 2019. More precisely, it's my first long-term adult relationship where drinking never entered the picture. It would take me far more than the couple hundred words I intended to write today to go into what a profound difference that last point makes. 

So, it was a wonderful day of food from my favorite places, new outdoor adventures, spending time with the person I love, and amazing gifts (the kind you didn't know you wanted until you open them up and realize how perfectly the other person "gets" you). It wasn't a day of wild events, but it was a day that wildly surpassed my previous expectations. I mean, who woulda thunk a few years ago my happy place today would be filled with plants and animals and not stage lights and rock and/or roll animals? But that's who I am now. And you know what? I dig it!