Photogal and I went to see the Body Worlds exhibit yesterday and if you live in Chicago I highly recommend that you catch it before they wrap it up and move on early next month. I also recommend buying your tickets on-line in advance and for as early in the day as possible. We went about an hour before the actual museum even opened and it was already pretty crowded. I probably would have gone insane had we gone later in the day.

There's not much I can really put into words to describe the experience since you kind of have to see the whole thing for yourself to really get the whole experience. I will say that the woman with the eight month fetus and the skinned horse were personal highlights of mine. There are also a few examples of circulatory systems removed and isolated with the end result looking like a beautiful and heart-achingly delicate fine red mist. I also appreciated the subtle humor inherent in some of the poses (like the gentleman holding his own pancreas or the "winged man" with the white hat) since I think that showed that the exhibitors expected a certain amount of sophistication from the viewers instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator.
I also wasn’t prepared for just how much we all look like a mess of tasty steaks underneath our flesh. I’ve always known that the particular cuts of animal meat I really enjoy are in fact nothing more that roasted muscles but it was a little disorienting to realize that we’re made up of essentially the same stuff. Pretty cool, huh?
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