Okay, it’s been three weeks since Rudy and I spun together at innjoy so I’m predicating tonight should be a tidy bit of fun. I actually predict that so much fun will be had that I won’t even notice I’m not smoking and sober. It’ll be pretty cool. I also have a truckload of new and exciting music to play so that should be pretty fun too. Also fun? Sin City and old videos from Guns N’ Roses and Love & Rockets. Fun!
It’s early. I’m not pulling out a thesaurus. So you get “fun” used a million kajillion times. Sorry.
You know what else is fun? Waltham. They’re this band from Massachusetts that sounds like a cross between Weezer and .38 Special. Or something like that. The point is that they write these massively crunchy and catchy pop ditties and they’ve been providing the soundtrack for my workouts and my commute for the last week ever since their latest disc popped up in the mail for me. To be fair, the new disc is basically the third version of the same album they’ve been re-recording and re-releasing for the past couple of years, which would lead one to believe that the song pool may not exactlyt be bottomless when it comes to these guys, but with songs this fun who really cares. If you buy the new disc from Newbury Comics on-line it comes with a cool bonus EP with a few songs that are actually better than the new album tracks.
You know what’s not fun. Waltham never tours outside the East Coast. Gyp! I would totally set them up with a killer bill if they ever made it to Chicago. Hey Waltham…come to Chicago! Think they heard me? Probably not. Oh well, Kip (the man responsible for introducing me to these popsters) is heading out East to see them play so maybe he will (again) pass on the message. We’ll see.
Okay, time to pop in some Waltham, chug some coffee and sweat to the modern day classics.
And now for something completely different.

Happy First Birthday to my little nephew Alex! Yippee!
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