Monday, March 01, 2004

I'm ba-aaack...

I was in Minneapolis last Friday and you can read about that here.

My brother came into town from Canada Saturday, so I spent the evening with him and my other sibling at a terrible Lincoln Park bar. The settings were made survivable by the company I was keeping and I have to give the establishment my kudos for not trying to stop the wrestling/boxing match that broke out between the three of us. A great time was had and all suffered quite a bit of bruising the next morning. It’s how we show our love for each other. Needless to say, Photogal was glad she chose not to attend.

Sunday was a lazy day with a few errands, a whole bunch of Angel and the Academy Awards. Too bad Mitch and Mickey didn’t pick up the Oscar for Best Song but at least we gotta see ‘em kiss, no?

Today I anticipate a busy day at work since I was out Friday…yay!

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