Listen, we suffer through eight months of miserable weather to enjoy our all too brief summers. Fall lasts, and I'm not kidding, a scant few weeks before winter swoops in. I could almost understand people looking forward to a seasonal change had summer been brutal, but this year the weather was glorious in Chicago! When it got HOT it rarely lasted more than a few days. And the usual Midwestern humidity largely gave us a break. Now, after last year's miserable summer that never quite shook off the fall / spring feeling this was the least the elements could do for us this time around, and if you are anxious for it to end so you can break out your coats and boots I'm prone to think there's something wrong with you.
Now look, I like wearing my cool leather jacket as much as anyone else, but I'm not looking forward to HAVING to wear it. To all of you complaining about summer and looking forward to fall I suggest you rethink your position, envision how your month of fall weather will quickly give way to ice and snow and sheets of freezing wind that keep you from venturing more than a block or two from your abode at a time, and then tell me how much you've hated this summer.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
I love summer. I need sun to survive.
I consider myself sufficiently told.
personally I thought this summer was pretty miserable. (my heat-trapping, poorly-laid-out apartment didn't help.) even so, the threat of fall is making me clammy. I need a few more precious days of balmy warmth!
Mich - DUH!
Alyson - GOOD!
geekgirl - No mater how hot your summer was, you just KNOW winter will be SO MUCH WORSE.
O.K., I have to lay off the coffee that's causing my abuse of the CAPS LOCK key...
Fall is nice for about two seconds, it certainly certainly doesn't last long enough to wish summer away for it! I'd be happy with 90 degree weather year round. I don't belong here in Canada (or any of the U.S. with comparable weather) I really, really REALLY don't.
We talk about moving to such a clime every single winter ... one day we'll just up and do it!
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