Go see The Assembly tomorrow when they celebrate the release of their excellent new EP, Paranoia Will Destroy Ya. I love these boys and am so glad I've been around since their very first show to see them grow into the rock and/or roll behemoth they have become. It's truly a beautiful thing. Here's pretty poster for you to print out to help remind you to go to the show.

Also, get your discount tickets here so you don't have to pay full price if you don't want to.
Wherein I prove that I am honest in my critiques.

You can't do what I do and expect to be taken seriously if you hold grudges against a band that gets in the way of an honest appraisal of their music. So that is why I have given CYHSY's second album a positive review over at donewaiting. I know, you are shocked. And stunned. And wearing really tight trousers. Read it here and marvel.
Bar pimpin'.

When I worked there it was still a smaller struggling bar, but everyone involved was fighting the good fight to keep the place afloat on its own terms. I am pleased to say that as the years have passed, more and more people have discovered how awesome the place is, and I think they are doing pretty well now. Everyone always seems to have a great time there, and tomorrow night Club Foot is celebrating it's 12-year anniversary.
Twelve frickin' years! I guess I never realized that they hadn't been open all that long when they first hired me. Wow, I'm feeling a little old. I think I'll just have to sidestep that feeling and stop in for a drink tomorrow after the show. maybe I'll even hold my nose and do a shot a Jagermeister with Chuck to congratulate him.
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