First, peep this awesome illustration of the Mad Moldovan and I that has been altered to include a very special guest via Gina's mad Photoshopping skillz.

Second, check this out. Guess who is joining me at Pontiac tonight? You guessed it! Rudy Tuesday. Reunited and it feels so right ... and reminding you why Tuesdays began to rock in the first place. The post-holiday hangovers should have dissipated by now, your liver's had a few weeks of bed-rest, and now it's time to start building up your tolerance to summer all-day-long drink-fest levels. Consider us your coaches and our selections your soundtrack. We will inspire you to new heights.
I mean, who could NOT be inspired by these faces?

I know, I know, you can't resist.
A technical note for those attending this evening. This will probably be the last time tankPOD and diPOD help me run the night before their replacements (also inventively named tankPOD and diPOD) are rotated in. The protective skins for the new 'PODs are stuck in Canada (yet another reason to gripe about our neighbors to the north) while they try to clear my cash and calculate the exchange rate. Hopefully after much head-scratching and the consultion of a Canuckian an oracle or two, the skins will be here in time for the new gear's debut next Tuesday. Also, at the end of the month, I may have a Lily Allen-related event in the works, but more on that as it develops. Anyway, please come by tonight, and I promise you'll have at least this much fun:

Bottom photo credz The Smussyolay.
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