No, no kids on the horizon for me yet -- sorry Gidget -- but it's nice to have advance warning about the particular dance moves I should pick up in preparation for the actual child rearing. (As always, click the image for better readability.)

Speaking of dance moves -- was that a motherfucking segue or WHAT? -- you KNOW what's happening tonight!
The Continental.
Lots of stuff to give away like:
Lily Allen's Alright, Still CD
The Good, The Bad, and The Queen CD
Lily Allen and The Good, The Bad, and The Queen posters
Pair of tickets to the Lily Allen concert at Metro on February 8
Pair of tickets to the CTRL-ALT-ROCK show at Double Door February 8
Oh yeah, and kick-ass music selected by moi! Look, I even made a flyer:

I rock. You rock. We rock together. Tonight.
Credz due Melissa for bringing the "Moonwalk Superstar" graphic to my attention.
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