Crossed wires.So Saturday night I had an itch to go out. I think the genesis of that urge lay in some unresolved issues I'm having about my dad's death and my immature way of running from the issues rather than just dealing with them. But that is really neither here nor there as far as this little tale is concerned.

So I texted a few friends to find out where they were and got a few responses and ultimately ended up at Double Door with
Scott and Erin for the South show. The evening ended, I went home and that was it.
Until I called my voicemail the next morning.
At something like 5am and 6am some dude left me messages telling me to give him $100. He kept saying I owed him this money. I had no idea who this cat was. Photogal listened to the messages and was all like, "That dude sounds like a pimp or something. What is up with that?" So I look through my call log and realize the calls came from my buddy Josh's number. So I dial his number up, all ready to do the whole "ha-ha, funny joke, who's the dude?" thing when the call slid into voicemail and some woman exhorts me to leave my name and number and she'll get back to me. Josh is certainly not a "she."
Slowly I realized that Rudy had told me a while ago Josh got a new number, so the number I texted Saturday no longer belonged to him! So I must have texted this dude's old lady with a message that –- in its intentions -- innocuously said, "What's going on tonight? Anything?" Obviously since the response to my message came from some scary sounding dude demanding $100 I think it's safe to say they thought my message was supposed to imply something a little, um, more salacious.
So, um, Josh? Maybe it's time to send me your new number, huh?
__________Possibly related to the above?I had a dream last night where I was killed by a gun shot to the head. I can't remember the exact circumstances but I
do remember waking up in the middle of the night realizing that was the first time I have
ever died in a dream.
Kinda freaky, huh?
__________A reaffirmation of life.Neither spooky dreams not money hungry pimps shall stop me from celebrating each sweet breath I draw while playing some of my favorite tunes accompanied by one of my best friends at The Pontiac tonight. And you are all invited to continue breathing, laughing, smiling, sweating, kissing, hugging, singing, drinking, dancing and loving right along side me.
I'll see you there.