A second reason is fueled by an annoying email I got about an after-party in their honor at Debonair last night, which was sent out to everyone on the club's list, but specified that "no dudes" need apply for entry. Now I don't personally know too many male Fall Out Boy fans over the age of, say, fifteen, but I still rankle when I see a directive like that since I think it's a rather thoughtless way to treat a band's fans. Who knows, though, maybe it was the club trying to impress the boys with the male to female ratio and the group had nothing to do with it? Maybe. Regardless, it came off as tacky.
Finally, what the point of seeing a band like Fall Out Boy in a room full of jaded journalists drunk on free booze provided by a clothing manufacturer? I mean, if anything, Fall Out Boy is a band that owes its success to their fans, not the critics that have been knocking them since before Pete Wentz discovered guyliner, right?
On the other hand, what if Kanye showed up to provide a guest verse on "This Ain't A Scene ..." and I missed it?
Nah, I'll take my chances.
MP3: Fall Out Boy "This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race (Kanye West Remix)"
UPDATE: I Do have to admit I'm awfully curious though ... so, to quote Ren & Stimpy, "Will he hold out, folks? CAN he hold out?"
ANOTHER UPDATE: I held strong, but my curiosity MUST be sated, so I sent one of my music writers from Chicagoist (who, incidentally, actually does love F.O.B. even though she is usually indier than indie in her musical tastes) to cover the show in my stead. Hopefully photos of her and Ashlee dancing up a storm with be all over the Internerd tomorrow.
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