He out-Obama'd Obama!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Let's go Cubbies!
Let's go Cubbies!
Yeah, I could care less about baseball per se, but I'm going to see the Cubs play with free food and booze provided by a friend's company's dollar, so for today, I am a die-hard Cubs fan!
Have a safe holiday weekend everybody.
Yeah, I could care less about baseball per se, but I'm going to see the Cubs play with free food and booze provided by a friend's company's dollar, so for today, I am a die-hard Cubs fan!
Have a safe holiday weekend everybody.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jeez Louise!
Jeez Louise!
When it rains (as it is, literally, outside, but I mean this metaphorically from here out, duh) it pours. The stuff to do tonight in Chicago is going to keep me running non-stop:
Tune in tomorrow top find out if I successfully cloned myself.

- Nico Muhly at The Lakeshore Theater
- Prairie Cartel and Hey Champ at The Empty Bottle
- The Bomb Squad presents the Highwheel Record DJs at Liar's Club
Tune in tomorrow top find out if I successfully cloned myself.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tankboy: Interior Decorator
Tankboy: Interior Decorator

A few days ago a friend was at my place when I went into the extra room to look for a DVD.
"Oh my God, so THAT'S where everything is!" they gasped.
My apartment is pretty spartan. When I moved in I had the guys helping me put everything into the second bedroom and intended to unpack it as soon as I could. What ended up happening is I would pull stuff I needed out, a DVD here and a CD or book there, but left just about everything in boxes. The result is a true bachelor pad with nothing on the walls and a bare minimum of furnishings. I keep the door to the extra room shut so I guess that gives off the impression I'm living a rather austere lifestyle .. and considering I've had other people comment on the lack of stuff in my place I guess that's basically the impression folks get.
When my friend saw the room full of stuff they seemed relieved and confessed they had always wondered how a guy as well read and musically educated as myself would have so few books, albums, and CDs. The walls full of media in the extra room combined with the boxes towering above its floor helped resolve that seeming contradiction.
So, now that I have some free time, maybe I will actually get around to at least populating those bookshelves, hanging a few pictures around the house, and decorating with a few nick-knacks so that the impression is more "erudite if slightly sloppy pop culture scholar" and less "American Psycho pad ready for slaughter."
Hey, that rhymes!

A few days ago a friend was at my place when I went into the extra room to look for a DVD.
"Oh my God, so THAT'S where everything is!" they gasped.
My apartment is pretty spartan. When I moved in I had the guys helping me put everything into the second bedroom and intended to unpack it as soon as I could. What ended up happening is I would pull stuff I needed out, a DVD here and a CD or book there, but left just about everything in boxes. The result is a true bachelor pad with nothing on the walls and a bare minimum of furnishings. I keep the door to the extra room shut so I guess that gives off the impression I'm living a rather austere lifestyle .. and considering I've had other people comment on the lack of stuff in my place I guess that's basically the impression folks get.
When my friend saw the room full of stuff they seemed relieved and confessed they had always wondered how a guy as well read and musically educated as myself would have so few books, albums, and CDs. The walls full of media in the extra room combined with the boxes towering above its floor helped resolve that seeming contradiction.
So, now that I have some free time, maybe I will actually get around to at least populating those bookshelves, hanging a few pictures around the house, and decorating with a few nick-knacks so that the impression is more "erudite if slightly sloppy pop culture scholar" and less "American Psycho pad ready for slaughter."
Hey, that rhymes!
Holy mackerel!
Holy mackerel!
I just had one of the best DJ set in easily the last five years tonight at The Continental. Whoa.
UPDATE: The approximate set-list is now up.
I just had one of the best DJ set in easily the last five years tonight at The Continental. Whoa.
UPDATE: The approximate set-list is now up.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Has anyone else out there had events simply disappear from their Google Calendar? I'm trying to figure out if it's a system error or if Google Sync for the BlackBerry is erasing stuff arbitrarily...
Has anyone else out there had events simply disappear from their Google Calendar? I'm trying to figure out if it's a system error or if Google Sync for the BlackBerry is erasing stuff arbitrarily...
Tonight I DJ, and then take at least a week-long break.
Tonight I DJ, and then take at least a week-long break.
I'm DJing tonight -- all night -- at The Continental. If you usually only get there past 2 a.m. and have grown annoyed by the crowds, you should know that the place is a super cool earlier in the evening and has a kick-ass vibe that sometimes gets a little lost later at night.
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I actually like the super late night crowd, but I know some of my older peeps don't, so the above is for them.)
Anyway, it's been ages since I DJed there, and since everyone seems to have spent last weekend in various stages and forms of hibernation I think it's high time you pulled your tails out to hear me DJ!
I start after 10 p.m., so I'll see you there?

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I actually like the super late night crowd, but I know some of my older peeps don't, so the above is for them.)
Anyway, it's been ages since I DJed there, and since everyone seems to have spent last weekend in various stages and forms of hibernation I think it's high time you pulled your tails out to hear me DJ!
I start after 10 p.m., so I'll see you there?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Variety is the spice of life in the big city.
Variety is the spice of life in the big city.
I just took a walk with Betty and realized that in the space of a single block my street goes from being totally family friendly to gradually transforming into sketchy gangbanger-land complete with vacant lots and broken windows.
Gotta love that diversity!
I just took a walk with Betty and realized that in the space of a single block my street goes from being totally family friendly to gradually transforming into sketchy gangbanger-land complete with vacant lots and broken windows.
Gotta love that diversity!
A new week, a fresh start.
A new week, a fresh start.
My internet was down Monday due to a big ol' storm we had, so sorry about the lack of updates. It's also been kind of a stressful last few days on a number of levels -- personally, money related, the grind of the job hunt -- so I've been spending a little time in the self-reflection corner trying to get all those internal bits organized and in the right place.
Today I'm concentrating on finishing up a review of last Thursday's Eddie Vedder show for Chicagoist, and gathering some of my music writing clips to submit to a magazine for some possible freelance work, so I fear the fun and exciting Tankboy writing may have to wait another day. Who knows though? Once the productivity starts rolling it's often hard to stop nme so maybe some other posts'll pop up later today.

Today I'm concentrating on finishing up a review of last Thursday's Eddie Vedder show for Chicagoist, and gathering some of my music writing clips to submit to a magazine for some possible freelance work, so I fear the fun and exciting Tankboy writing may have to wait another day. Who knows though? Once the productivity starts rolling it's often hard to stop nme so maybe some other posts'll pop up later today.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tankboy + The Burlington = FUN!
Tankboy + The Burlington = FUN!
Hey kids, I'll be DJing at my second home, The Burlington, tonight from 10 until 3. Whee! C'mon down and quaff a "Burlington Draft" with me!
Hey kids, I'll be DJing at my second home, The Burlington, tonight from 10 until 3. Whee! C'mon down and quaff a "Burlington Draft" with me!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Come see about me.
Come see about me.
I found out I'm going to see Eddie Vedder earlier tonight, but afterward I'll be joining JB to DJ at Liar's Club. Come on out and say hi to my unemployed bad self!
I found out I'm going to see Eddie Vedder earlier tonight, but afterward I'll be joining JB to DJ at Liar's Club. Come on out and say hi to my unemployed bad self!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Yesterday I had a freelance piece returned to me with some editing notes and the request to expand and clarify some points. The accompanying note felt a tad trepidatious* as if they weren't sure how I was going to respond to comments like that. The truth is that I LOVE feedback, and in the end I was far happier with the expanded piece than I was with the original one.
People always seem afraid to critique each other, and I am constantly befuddled by that instinct. In my day job as a copywriter I would rather be told how to strengthen my work than have something sub par slip by because someone was afriad of hurting my feelings with their opinion. When you write for a living you can't allow your ego to expand beyond the initial creative burst, anything after that has to be met with an open mind with the understanding that feedback is good.
I began my higher education as an art major, and one of the reasons I changed my major early on was because I couldn't handle the namby-pampby critique sessions dominated by the soft spoken, "The thing I really like about your piece is..." I was far more interested in what was wrong with my piece and what they though I could strengthen or work on, but people were so concerned they might hurt someone's feelings that sort of conversation very rarely happened.
So folks, if you want to write for a living my advice is this: let the people around you know that you want their feedback and constructive input will never hurt your feelings, it will only make your work stronger.
*I'm of the mind that "trepidatious" IS a word, but I realize there's a debate around that subject.

People always seem afraid to critique each other, and I am constantly befuddled by that instinct. In my day job as a copywriter I would rather be told how to strengthen my work than have something sub par slip by because someone was afriad of hurting my feelings with their opinion. When you write for a living you can't allow your ego to expand beyond the initial creative burst, anything after that has to be met with an open mind with the understanding that feedback is good.
I began my higher education as an art major, and one of the reasons I changed my major early on was because I couldn't handle the namby-pampby critique sessions dominated by the soft spoken, "The thing I really like about your piece is..." I was far more interested in what was wrong with my piece and what they though I could strengthen or work on, but people were so concerned they might hurt someone's feelings that sort of conversation very rarely happened.
So folks, if you want to write for a living my advice is this: let the people around you know that you want their feedback and constructive input will never hurt your feelings, it will only make your work stronger.
*I'm of the mind that "trepidatious" IS a word, but I realize there's a debate around that subject.
The Rules of Attraction.
The Rules of Attraction.
Sometimes I really identify with Sean Bateman ... how wrong is that?
Um, a clarification: I'm referring to how lost Bateman is, especially after realizing that he can't have the one girl he wants and emotion floods through him for the first time. I prefer to think of that as a positive thing. Don't worry, I don't identify with his more misogynistic tendencies. I find that portion of the character rather repulsive.
Sometimes I really identify with Sean Bateman ... how wrong is that?
Um, a clarification: I'm referring to how lost Bateman is, especially after realizing that he can't have the one girl he wants and emotion floods through him for the first time. I prefer to think of that as a positive thing. Don't worry, I don't identify with his more misogynistic tendencies. I find that portion of the character rather repulsive.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Jumping on the mosaic bandwagon.
Jumping on the mosaic bandwagon.
Blame Olivia, it's her fault. Though I admit some of the resulting images made me laugh. And some are just confusing, but I followed the rules and they're what I got. As usual, clicky on the image to expand it and get a better look.

Blame Olivia, it's her fault. Though I admit some of the resulting images made me laugh. And some are just confusing, but I followed the rules and they're what I got. As usual, clicky on the image to expand it and get a better look.

Type your answer to the questions into flickr search
-Using only the first page, pick an image
-Copy and paste each of the urls in the Mosaic Maker
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3.What high school did you go to?
4.What is your favorite color?
5.Who is your celebrity crush?
6.What is your favorite drink?
7.What is your dream vacation?
8.What is your favorite dessert?
9.What do you want to do when you grow up?
10.Who/ what do you love most in life?
11.Choose one word that describes you?
12.What is your Flickr name?
Monday, August 18, 2008
New Secret Machines.
New Secret Machines.
I actually downloaded this last week from RCRD LBL, but the group's publicist finally sent out a shareable link. This new Secret Machines track won't be on the new album, Secret Machines, even though it's from those recording sessions. I guess they're going to release it on vinyl later this year. I DJed with it at Liar's Club last Thursday and loved hearing it boom over the big sound system. It's a keeper and assuages any worried I had about the group's reconfiguration.
MP3: The Secret Machines "Dreaming of Dreaming"

MP3: The Secret Machines "Dreaming of Dreaming"
When I was walking across the lawn at Lollapalooza a few weeks ago, two girls on a blanket pointed at me and yelled, "That's Tankboy!"
It was a little weird.
The last time I was both unemployed and broke, this space was filled with lots of fun and interesting stories, along with a touch of confessional heartbreak. This time around I'm not really afforded that sort of openness. For one, potential employers will probably peruse these posts so I have to make sure I don't pass along the wrong idea about myself. More importantly though is the fact that now I'm more widely read, obviously publicly recognizable to some minute fraction of the citizenry, and ultimately way more people read and are aware of blogs than they were when I went through the same situation 6 years ago.
So if you've wondering where all the wild and wacky Tankboy adventure stories are, there's your explanation.
When I was walking across the lawn at Lollapalooza a few weeks ago, two girls on a blanket pointed at me and yelled, "That's Tankboy!"
It was a little weird.
The last time I was both unemployed and broke, this space was filled with lots of fun and interesting stories, along with a touch of confessional heartbreak. This time around I'm not really afforded that sort of openness. For one, potential employers will probably peruse these posts so I have to make sure I don't pass along the wrong idea about myself. More importantly though is the fact that now I'm more widely read, obviously publicly recognizable to some minute fraction of the citizenry, and ultimately way more people read and are aware of blogs than they were when I went through the same situation 6 years ago.
So if you've wondering where all the wild and wacky Tankboy adventure stories are, there's your explanation.
Friday, August 15, 2008
I flushed my phone!
I flushed my phone!
While brushing my teeth I was checking my text messages from last night, and while doing so the little bugger slipped from my hand, into my toilet, and down the hatch. An hour later, after much sweating, grunting, disconnecting of various nuts and bolts, and shaking the whole ceramic throne upside down over my bathtub, my little phone finally tumbled free. The upside? I got my sim card! The downside? The phone itself appears to be fried.
So I'm going to give the poor little workhorse time to dry out, but if it is indeed on the permanent fritz, Apple might actually get some of my severance for their iPhone, despite my griping.

So I'm going to give the poor little workhorse time to dry out, but if it is indeed on the permanent fritz, Apple might actually get some of my severance for their iPhone, despite my griping.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The many varieties of dance.
The many varieties of dance.
I was going to go see James Murphy DJ at Smart Bar tonight, but now I'm DJing at Liar's Club instead. Co-Bomb Squad-er Lisa called me earlier this week, kindly offering to include me in tonight's line-up since I am currently without a steady source of income, so I thank her kindly for that.
So, even if you too are heading out to see Murphy spin you should stop by Liar's Club beforehand or afterward and check out sets by me, Lisa, and our friend Dave. And if you don't already have tickets to the Smart Bar show, well, you have no excuse for not showing your face!

So, even if you too are heading out to see Murphy spin you should stop by Liar's Club beforehand or afterward and check out sets by me, Lisa, and our friend Dave. And if you don't already have tickets to the Smart Bar show, well, you have no excuse for not showing your face!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I SEE you!
I SEE you!
I am so glad Clayton got a picture of this dude at WestFest* last weekend.

Those glasses are outtasite!
*By the way, WestFest is quite possibly the saddest little street fest of the whole season as far as attendance goes, but that makes it one of my favorites because the crowds are never outrageous and you never have to wait for a beer, hot dog, or mountain of sugared fried dough.
I am so glad Clayton got a picture of this dude at WestFest* last weekend.

Those glasses are outtasite!
*By the way, WestFest is quite possibly the saddest little street fest of the whole season as far as attendance goes, but that makes it one of my favorites because the crowds are never outrageous and you never have to wait for a beer, hot dog, or mountain of sugared fried dough.
Too juicy not to say it here.
Too juicy not to say it here.
After my interview this morning I met up with my ex -- Photogal -- and ended up shopping with her for underwear so she's have something new to wear while on vacation next week with her new boyfriend.
We get along SO much better since we broke up.
After my interview this morning I met up with my ex -- Photogal -- and ended up shopping with her for underwear so she's have something new to wear while on vacation next week with her new boyfriend.
We get along SO much better since we broke up.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Simpson Euro?
The Simpson Euro?
Well, there's a basis for currency I had never really considered ... the Simpson Euro?
In other news, there isn't that much to report. Laid low socially for the last 24-hours and got a whole bunch of job hunting accomplished. Sorry, I was pretty boring, but after a weekend that included to street fests, and overpriced restaurant lounge, and a party in the Double Door Dirt Room, this boy had enough play and needed to focus on getting something worthwhile accomplished!
Today's plans include sending out more resumes, finishing an interview I did with The Dandy Warhol's Courtney Taylor-Taylor, some Chicagoist business, and of course a trip to the gym to keep the blood pumping and keep me from sinking into stasis.
And now, a picture of the tree in front of my apartment building that got split in half when we had that huge storm last week (hurricane warning within the city limits and all)!
Well, there's a basis for currency I had never really considered ... the Simpson Euro?
In other news, there isn't that much to report. Laid low socially for the last 24-hours and got a whole bunch of job hunting accomplished. Sorry, I was pretty boring, but after a weekend that included to street fests, and overpriced restaurant lounge, and a party in the Double Door Dirt Room, this boy had enough play and needed to focus on getting something worthwhile accomplished!
Today's plans include sending out more resumes, finishing an interview I did with The Dandy Warhol's Courtney Taylor-Taylor, some Chicagoist business, and of course a trip to the gym to keep the blood pumping and keep me from sinking into stasis.
And now, a picture of the tree in front of my apartment building that got split in half when we had that huge storm last week (hurricane warning within the city limits and all)!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Huntin' for employment.
Huntin' for employment.
Busybusybusy little bee.
Busybusybusy little bee.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
What timing.
What timing.
Aaaand I just realized today is the fourth anniversary of my dad's death. This hasn't exactly been an up-with-people sort of day.
Aaaand I just realized today is the fourth anniversary of my dad's death. This hasn't exactly been an up-with-people sort of day.
The explanation behind the previous post's title.
The explanation behind the previous post's title.
So yesterday I parted ways with LadyFriend. Many of my friends think I'm absolutely insane to have done so, and I'm not inclined to completely disagree with them. I mean, technically we were perfect together. She tolerated all my quirks and was just absolutely all around awesome. It was the first time I've ever broken up with someone where the reasons for the break-up had absolutely nothing to do with them.
I was with Photogal for 12 years, and when we broke up it was basically a divorce ... even most married couples don't make it for 12 years! I wasn't single for all that long and recently I started to wonder if I had jumped into another serious relationship too quickly. Never mind that said relationship was going along perfectly, but once that question surfaced it just couldn't be shoved back under again. And to date someone with that doubt lingering in the back of your mind would surely be unfair to both parties involved. So I decided I had to go solo again, even if it meant risking a friendship I've grown extremely attached to.
I'm terrified I made the wrong choice, but I really couldn't see any other way of getting around my own internal confusion, so based on that reasoning I made the fair decision for both of us, right?
So yesterday I parted ways with LadyFriend. Many of my friends think I'm absolutely insane to have done so, and I'm not inclined to completely disagree with them. I mean, technically we were perfect together. She tolerated all my quirks and was just absolutely all around awesome. It was the first time I've ever broken up with someone where the reasons for the break-up had absolutely nothing to do with them.
I was with Photogal for 12 years, and when we broke up it was basically a divorce ... even most married couples don't make it for 12 years! I wasn't single for all that long and recently I started to wonder if I had jumped into another serious relationship too quickly. Never mind that said relationship was going along perfectly, but once that question surfaced it just couldn't be shoved back under again. And to date someone with that doubt lingering in the back of your mind would surely be unfair to both parties involved. So I decided I had to go solo again, even if it meant risking a friendship I've grown extremely attached to.
I'm terrified I made the wrong choice, but I really couldn't see any other way of getting around my own internal confusion, so based on that reasoning I made the fair decision for both of us, right?
"But, they don't all bring you lasagna at work."
"But, they don't all bring you lasagna at work."
The title is unrelated to this post, but does have meaning. I'm in an incredibly off mood this morning, so let's bypass the idle chit-chat and head straight for the meat of the matter. Whither the meat? Hither and yon. Basically, the meat is:

Be there, it's the first show I've put together in eons and it's a doozy.
The title is unrelated to this post, but does have meaning. I'm in an incredibly off mood this morning, so let's bypass the idle chit-chat and head straight for the meat of the matter. Whither the meat? Hither and yon. Basically, the meat is:

Be there, it's the first show I've put together in eons and it's a doozy.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Checking in.
Checking in.
So, I finally wrapped my thoughts up about Lollapalooza and posted them at donewaiting. It's a loooong piece, and deals more with why you would go to the festival in the first place. I avoided band wrap-ups because a) Marcus already said most of what I would in his Chicagoist write-ups and b) I was more interested in exploring the general critical response to the festival. I was going to post it at Chicagoist but in the end we decided it would fit better on donewaiting. So head on over and read it.
Tonight, if you're feeling restless, come on out and see me and Keep DJ at Liar's Club. It's always fun when Keeps spins, and you can see Tim say things to me like, "Why don't you play good music like Keep?" and "Is it Keep's turn to DJ yet?"
Good times, man, good times.
Photo of me at Lollapalooza, just getting out of the Cat Power photo pit, by Clayton Hauck

Tonight, if you're feeling restless, come on out and see me and Keep DJ at Liar's Club. It's always fun when Keeps spins, and you can see Tim say things to me like, "Why don't you play good music like Keep?" and "Is it Keep's turn to DJ yet?"
Good times, man, good times.
Photo of me at Lollapalooza, just getting out of the Cat Power photo pit, by Clayton Hauck
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I finally found a working Wi-Fi connection to jump onto -- mine is still down at home -- so my Lollapalooza photos are finally up!
I finally found a working Wi-Fi connection to jump onto -- mine is still down at home -- so my Lollapalooza photos are finally up!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
My frickin' internet has been down since last night's storm so I'm just jumping on Photogal's computer to let you all know I haven't blown away in the "tornado" that hit Chicago last night. I haven't had a chance to upload my Lollapalooza photo galleries at Chicagoist either, although I have got them all edited and ready to go as soon as my connection comes back on.
Until then, read my friend Michelle's remembrances of the weekend, and I'm assuming you've already taken in all the Chicagoist coverage of the event thus far, right?
My frickin' internet has been down since last night's storm so I'm just jumping on Photogal's computer to let you all know I haven't blown away in the "tornado" that hit Chicago last night. I haven't had a chance to upload my Lollapalooza photo galleries at Chicagoist either, although I have got them all edited and ready to go as soon as my connection comes back on.
Until then, read my friend Michelle's remembrances of the weekend, and I'm assuming you've already taken in all the Chicagoist coverage of the event thus far, right?
Monday, August 04, 2008
Amanda Palmer pwns Feist.
Amanda Palmer pwns Feist.
This is, um, actually kinda funny.
This is, um, actually kinda funny.
Can you spot the Tankboy?
Can you spot the Tankboy?
I'm still editing my own pics, but the Lollapalooza website has published a bunch of their own. The image below is from their gallery ... can you spot a familiar face looking up at Thom Yorke? (Clicky the pic to enlarge for a closer look.)
I'm still editing my own pics, but the Lollapalooza website has published a bunch of their own. The image below is from their gallery ... can you spot a familiar face looking up at Thom Yorke? (Clicky the pic to enlarge for a closer look.)
Working on editing three days of photos, a festival-wide recap, and trying to find a job. Busy busy!
Working on editing three days of photos, a festival-wide recap, and trying to find a job. Busy busy!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Ready for round two.
Ready for round two.

Really, two more days of this? I'm gonna die. Follow my progress through Lolla via Twitter.

Really, two more days of this? I'm gonna die. Follow my progress through Lolla via Twitter.
Friday, August 01, 2008
To quote Perry Farrell, "Here we gooooOOOOOoooooo!"
(O.K., technically we started going last night, but today is the beginning of the main event. Check out my and Marcus' picks on Chicagoist for Day One, Day Two, and Day Three.)
To quote Perry Farrell, "Here we gooooOOOOOoooooo!"
(O.K., technically we started going last night, but today is the beginning of the main event. Check out my and Marcus' picks on Chicagoist for Day One, Day Two, and Day Three.)
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