I met GalPal exactly two years ago tomorrow. Luckily Jessica Hopper was there to document that monumental initial meeting.* Two years. Wow. In that time I've done really great things and really dumb things. I've been both the best boyfriend I've ever been and the worst boyfriend I've ever been. We've had ups and downs but, amazingly, mostly ups. We've dealt with problems as a team and every single day we celebrate the fact that we found each other in the first place. We hug and we kiss and we hold hands and all that kind of stuff just as much as we did when we were giddily falling in love way at the beginning.
I am so lucky that two years ago she got out of a cab in pursuit of the tamale guy at the bar** she was dropping her friends off at instead of taking it home as she originally planned.
*It should be noted that I didn't even remember seeing Jessica until the next day when I was IMing Scott Smith and all like, "Whoa, crap! I saw Jessica last night and I was really drunk but I think we just talked about the Hold Steady so I should be O.K. and didn't say anything stupid and hold on a sec while I punch up her website to make sure and OH CRAP!" I should be thankful either GalPal OR Jessica ever spoke to my dumb ass again.
**Incidentally that bar was The Continental so imagine my surprise realizing I will be DJing there tomorrow ... exactly two years to the night after meeting GalPal. And who will be DJing with me? GalPal!
Photo by George Aye
Tamale dinner tomorrow night?!
It was major!
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