Wednesday, May 11, 2016

You think hipsters are brand new to Logan Square?

I was thumbing through the ten-years-old Act Like You've Been Here Before: The Chicagoist Guide To Chicago the other day and came across this passage that made me laugh out loud.
Recently Logan Square’s rough edges have started to round out due to the influx of two-flat- and condo-buying hipsters. The neighborhood is heavily flavored by its Latin population though, and no amount of whitewashing can dull this neighborhood’s throbbing heart.
Well, actually, that was pretty prescient, huh? I think at that time Photogal and I were one of those two-flat buying hipsters!

You should download the whole thing and see just what we were recommending people check out way back when in 2006. You can tell where most of the writers at the time lived, based on which sections have the most entries.

I can't remember exactly what my contributions were to the guide, but you can definitely pick out a few of the music venue write-ups as mine—let's see if you can guess which ones!

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