A rare weekend post.The weekend was not nearly as wild as I had planned. I actually stayed in last night! I am officially getting old. I am also pleased to note that this whole "not drinking" thing is beginning to spread amongst my friends. This is not such a positive development for local bar-owners but it certainly does make abstaining from the goofy juice a whole lot easier. Now when the smoking ban goes into effect next year it'll be easy as
cake pie to remain vice free!

I also went to a movie with my mom yesterday presented by this group called
Talk Cinema. Basically they show movies every few weeks and you have no idea what they will be other than the fact that they aren't in wide release yet. So the majority of films are either foreign or still making the festival circuit. What movie did we end up watching yesterday?
New York Doll! It was a documentary on the New York Dolls reunion last year and it centered on bassist Arthur "Killer" Kane and it was excellent. After the movie
Greg Kot got up and did a little presentation of his own about the band and the movie and then led a question and answer session. Let me tell you, listening to a bunch of 50-somethings asking questions about the New York Dolls and positing theories on Kane being brain damaged and Morrissey's need for perfect lighting (he's featured in the film as well) proved to be a pretty surreal experience. Regardless, I urge one and all to catch this movie when it finally comes out. All in all I couldn't believe my luck since this selection was so solidly right up my alley and all.
I just finished imitating an eighty year old man by having breakfast and reading the Sunday paper at the Jewish deli a couple blocks from our place, and later today the Mad Moldovan and I are going to catch a movie since his wife is off in Africa and his sister-in-law (a.k.a. my girl Photogal) is off in Florida.
This weekend may not have been the non-stop rock and/or roll party I had been planning on, but it ended up being pretty awesome anyway.
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