Aw, who am I kidding?
Last time Photogal was out off town I managed to lock myself out of the house for two hours, at 3in the AM, before I finally realized one of our windows was unlocked. The time before that was New Year's Eve and I have no idea how I got home; only that I woke up on my own couch with two dogs using me as a bed. The time before that...well, you get the idea. This will officially be a "Don't become a Whiskey-soaked Tankboy and make an ass of yourself, Tankboy" weekend. Sound good? Good.
I know I will be at innjoy (a.k.a. ye olde stomping grounds of yore¹) tonight to see DJs Yin and yang tear it up. It has been months since I've actually been to innjoy (come to think of it, Skid and Dave were DJing the last time I was there and Dave’s wife has had a baby since then so it has been a while) and I’m really looking forward to hear what these guys are going to pull out. usually I would go to Cobra if I had a Friday all free and clear to get all drunky-pants like I will tonight, but Rudy took the night off to see The Twilight Singers and, I'm sorry guys, but Cobra just ain't worth it for me if Rudy's not there. So innjoy it is.

And finally, since I am still working on a mix o' wunnerful music to share with all of you, I will leave you with these two short documentaries upon which to waste a few minutes of (for you nine-to-fivers) the last day of the work-week. To everyone else, just waste a few minutes whenever.
So go see this:
Geeks and nerds? that doesn't sound like anything I want to be a part of. Ladies in sci-fi skimpy outfits? That sounds like EVERYTHING I want to be a part of! Ladies in skimpy outfits should be hanging out with me!
And then see this:
The Easter Bunny totally hates you. He looks nothing like I imagined.
And hopefully I will see you out this weekend so you can buy me a drink!
¹I know it's a redundant phrase but I'm employing for comedic effect. If you're reading this footnote the juxtaposition of "olde" and "yore" obviously failed to be viewed thusly.
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