I think I can probably credit (and a number of folks can thank) my high school chum Lisa Arthur for this simple fact. And to be honest I had kind of forgotten about it until recently when Photogal and I were making out – we may be old but we can still get hot-n-heavy so cover your eyes, kids – and I realized what a superb kisser she is and how lucky I was to have found such a naturally gifter partner. When you get so much of a good thing, sometimes you forget just how unique it can be, no?
Now kissing is a funny thing. Anyone can do it and, to be honest, most folks do a fine job of it. It’s not until you meet a fabulous smoocher, or a slobbery awful smacker, that you really understand what a really good kiss is like.
So with that in mind, and looking back to how popular my dating tips were a while ago, I feel it’s time to impart my wisdom on this touchiest of subjects. If you listen to my words closely, you too can be a fabulous kisser.

It’s not a sword fight.
Okay, there is more to it than that, but goddamned if that isn’t the first and most important lesson to knock through your noggin. It’s a lesson that actually can be expanded to encompass a whole raft of issues, actually. I mean, how much time to do waste railing away at situations trying to change shit that a) you can’t change and b) isn’t really all that bad in the first place. I was reminded of this, and my own fallibility, by something (it doesn’t matter what) the other day. Let’s just say someone was trying to mess with my mojo and I, being the over thinker that I am, spent lots of time erecting defenses against this individual that ended up being totally unnecessary. If I had taken a lesson from my own mouth and lets things develop naturally then I could have saved myself a lot of fretting and fuming.
Even now, sitting here and in full knowledge of how things actually worked out I can’t help but get worked up about the spent emotion I totally wasted. Hold on. I’ve got to cool down for a sec.
I’ll be right back, I’m going to try my own advice and go smooch Photogal and see if that helps at all.

Oh my. Where was I? Oh yeah.
So, kissing as an allegory for level-headedness and tolerance; Is that where I was going? I think so.
Okay, I’ve spent a large number of years negotiating deals between many difficult parties. When I promote shows part of my job is to make things flow and act as a buffer (to a certain extent) between band/club/audience. Maybe my natural predilection for kissery is what has made me so suited to this sort of work. I mean, a good kiss is equal parts natural ability and gentle focus, right? How is that any different from booking a show? Or, for that matter, any other endeavor?

But it’s not just that. My point about kissing isn’t just “let nature take over.” I think the mantra would more appropriately be “trust nature to take over.” There is a difference. So maybe it’s not as cliché as “go with the flow.” Maybe it’s as cliché as “trust in life (a higher power? karma? whatnot?) to get you through.”

Whatever. I totally failed to make the point I was aiming for. I’m going to quit jawing away and stick this chin where it might do some good.
Oh my, indeed.
Today’s photos were shamelessly stolen from here, here, here, here and here. I met this guy that took this picture Tuesday and he seems awfully swell. Check out some of his music.
PSA, or sorts.
My dear dear friend and DJ partner, Mister Rudy "Midnight Shows" Tuesday, is going on a month(-ish) long sabbatical to finally foment and cement his newest musical endeavor (read: band.) Look for guest DJs¹ to be at my side over the next few weeks as we count the seconds until his rebirth/return. Also, look for said new musical project chez Rudy to debut at The Pontiac on June 29. This evening also happens to be, quite coincidentally, the same night as my annual birthday celebration at said venue. I will be notching another major tick on the cellular clock at midnight that evening (read: at the stroke of June 30.)
Be sure to keep your calendars clear that evening.
¹Interested in spinning and think you have what it takes? E-mail me and let me know.
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