Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Coloring in a few details.

Yeah, last night was a late one. Much later than usual for me on a Tuesday, for sure. However, when a bunch of old friends blow into town for the holidays, it’s hard to say no.

I got a copy of the new Spanish For 100 disc from Ringo last night too and it would easily make it onto my Top 20 list for this year, if they had actually gotten around to releasing it this year. Also, the packaging is rather beautiful and my copy is numbered 0048 out of 1000. I only have one question. Why am I not number 0001?!

Kidding, boys.

Last night also turned into a bit of a dance party and I was in such a good mood that not only did I not mock the frat boy that requested The Beastie Boys, I happily played "Sabotage" for he and his crew.

Heh, I'm laughing out loud right now, as I type this, because I’m listening to this week’s Sound Opinions podcast and DeRo is about to bust a vein over Springsteen. I love it when he loses it and just starts ranting. One can almost say that the man's best reviews are often his negative ones, because they seem fueled by the most honest emotion. By that measure I guess that's why I actually enjoy re-reading my own Kill Hannah reviews, since my disdain for that band is so great. Speaking of them, I'm doing a preview on the DWD versus MisShapes thing on Friday. Part of me wants to go but part of me is just annoyed. I have nothing against either collective (and actually really admire the promotion the DWD crew does) but I just found out it’s also a KH afterparty so, ick.

Anyway, back to last night.

My only regret from last night was not accepting a ride home from my little brother since I ended up freezing my tutu off for half-an-hour at the corner of Milwaukee / Damen / North fighting for cabs with college kids and deviants.

Tomorrow I plan on attending the big Elfvis show and meeting up with even more old friends that are in town visiting. I will not be staying out as late though. I promise.

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