Had a lovely weekend, save one tense blow-up moment, and got lots of work done on the Michigan farmhouse. Photogal and I built a huge bonfire and disposed of most of the old branches we cut down earlier in the summer, along with quite a bit of broken furniture and the wooden portions of junked farm machinery we inherited with the land. At one point Betty the Beagle made a jailbreak and ended up rolling around in something incredibly foul smelling, necessitating an emergency bath session. Last night we returned home and I then sped off to a particularly strong and energizing band practice. i think we're gonna be totally ready and rarin' to go by November 3. The only question is; is everyone else ready for us?

Oh! Don't forget that I'm DJing solo at The Burlington this Friday and next Friday! It's my favorite new bar in Chicago, and I really want to make a good impression / throw a good party so I'm counting on everyone I know showing up, making requests (even thought the LiteBrite sign by the booth specifically says "No Requests"), and dancing their little tushies off.
"Tushies?" Oy vey, what is becoming of me in my old age?
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